
Yeah, but that’s a slightly revised version of a 7 year old Honda Pilot

A badge you can jerk it to?

Can’t wait to be almost run off the road by one of these whilst the driver is texting/applying make up/eating

2nd Gear: Ford Debuts Thousands Of Job Cuts On Same Say As CEO Raise

Meh, I kind of like it. It’s good, not great, but handsome enough. Competitive though?

Every compact crossover thing under a sheet = a big hatchback on stilts

I tried to pull this card on my wife for our first kid. She didn’t bite, but yours seems like more of an enthusist. It’s a nice ride, but not as massive inside as the profile suggests: that backseat ‘gon be tight with a 6ft+ driver.

And you can’t tow with it! How useless is that. I’d need to get an MT,  which is not the worst idea in the world anyway.

Don’t need the space, and if I did i feel like i’d gravitate to the CX-9. I thought I’d like the alltrack more than I did, it was kind of a snore, but I might drive it again.

I need a new car for a family that’s about to become four: (me, wife, small dog, baby come July). I’m in Canada and have up to $45K to spend. I have driven almost everything and the only thing that hasn’t really sucked is the CX-5. I have terrible FOMO. Is there anything better new at that size/price?

Love the Ocean Race edition - there’s one around my neighborhood that I lust after.

Not sure why they added so much cladding. I was hoping for the CX-6, which is basically a lifted wagon.

It’s not all that different: it’s a Volvo V90 CC.

I have driven my Impreza 12/hr day a multiple times on road trips home. Can confirm, not the best. Still champed it in two 6-hr segments though, so fuel economy is good.

Coming soon with 147HP, 142ft/lbs and a CVT.

It’s been a goddamn nightmare out west. I don’t mind the snow, the cold has just been punishing though. Coldest Feb. in 40 years in Calgary.

How about a nice 508 Estate?

Saw one in the flesh today - didn’t mind it, but I don’t love the droopy face it seems to have borrowed from the Escape and Ecosport. I would have preferred a more upright grill.

So you’re saying the Big 3 are in for a bad time?

Not surprised. Rural Quebecois are among the most racist people in Canada. It’s one of the few things they and people from the prairies have in common.