
I saw an S90 in person the other day and it was just stunning. If I had to buy a car tomorrow it would probably be the V90, but in reality I’m holding out for the redesigned V60, which is good, because I need to convince the fiancee that wagons are just as capable if not more so than some bloated CUV (she’s terribly

I wouldn’t have as much of an issue with seeing Canadian ads if they put some goddamn effort into them and didn’t run the same spot for Tim Horton’s 12 times during the broadcast.

I don’t know what Subaru uses for paint, but for me I would have preferred if they had just given me the option of primer grey and a rattle can - paint scratches if you look at it funny.

Bring it here! You would sell 100's... which would then sell again to Jalops when the depreciation curve bottomed out, but not before warranty expired!

That’s right - and our Volvo dealers will stock the new V90 wagon, not just the Cross-Country version.

Us Canadians are known as bland and boring - what car did you THINK we were going to search? I bet our top 5 is:

My grandparents had this car, just the sedan version - would buy for the nostalgia.

I was in a city that got the B-Class pilot cars - hard as hell to find, but miles more comfortable if you were lucky enough to snag one.

Dammit, why didn’t I see this call for shit-tails earlier; I’ve got a doozie about how I shat so badly I made my hungover self projectile vomit all over a stall in a Hilton 10 minutes before I was to present at a National Student Advertising Competition. Shit led to puking which led to more shit which led to... well,

+1, i suggested the same thing.

The new Volvo V90 might fit the bill? Comfy-ass seats, decent fuel economy - can be had with a part-time electric engine (I think) - and lots of room for the pooch in the back, although he might not be able to stand. If that’s the case, opt for the XC90. Should come in under budget.

If this works I want it - preferably not in a Tiquan/Atlas/CUV

knew i forgot something, bah, it’s only batting .500!

Wagon? - check
Manual? - check
Brown? - ooo, so close.

there’s also a balsamic version that’s boss as fuck. co-signing on triscuits.

I have a Subaru with AWD and A/S tires (at the moment) and I prefer it to the girlfriend’s Golf with FWD and Winter Tires. Not so much for stopping, but for getting going and cornering when it’s slick the AWD just feels better to me - maybe it’s just because I’m used to it though.

Now playing

Guys did this with a Toyota back in 2012. Same thing happens, which is to say, nothing.

I reckon the Polestar will be about half the price of this here Porsche.