Ceci N'est Pas Un Burner

I agree with you. And I want to caveat, my complaints are something women have been dealing with forever. If I were to put on a feminist hat, I would argue my issues are tied into that motherfucking patriarchy. Women can’t escape it, gay men can’t escape it, and it’s all tied to standards defined by that nebulous

To be clear.. RSG starts chasing Kitties, Stars and Glitter across Jezebel, responding to her posts unprompted. RSG then accuses Kitties, Stars and Glitter of following HER around Jezebel. Ooooook

This is the kind of shit that probably started the new nazi movement, lol!

I’m Jewish. According to a good many Trump supporters (and Breitbart readers), I ain’t white. In fact, according to a good many of them, I’m not even human.

I like you so I’m going to try to temper myself.


Anna, are you in NYC? They have a storefront on Lenox between 131st and 132nd. They are very odd people.

“The idea that young people are finally going to stop turning into older people is a lovely one, but not very realistic.”

It really pisses me off when people say Jeffrey is gay or Ina is a beard. Why? Because he’s small in stature? Or because she’s overweight and only a gay man would be with her? It’s the same bullshit they say about Steadman and Oprah. Chubby women can get men. Chubby women can have beautiful homes and make tons of

That makes me appreciate you even more, life has blessed me with you.

this is something that my husband and I comment on, frequently. we’re both nearing 50, no kids. this batch of dads I’ve been noticing since, mmm, late 90's maybe earlier? there’s a lot of love in some of these cool young dads. whenever I see, especially, a dad being close and loving to his sons out in public, I tear

I just sent a similar message. I’m surprised people are responding #notalltrumpsupporters. They believe you can feel this way, deliberately do these things and not be racist? Racism is not a physical act. It’s a way of seeing the world. And if you see and hear what he advocates and you are okay with standing by him,

Exactly. Some people here are discounting this but they don’t realize that lots of people want a reason to vote for him without appearing to be racist. They can point to this so called outreach and claim Trump isn’t and therefore they aren’t either. They are looking for a way to make a Trump vote more socially

Or the bad guys in a John Hughes movie. Actually, they probably rooted for the bad guys.

And another one of them dismissed me haha. This is insane. They are just here jerking their dicks and dismissing responses. Disgusting and cowardly.

This entire pack of idiots is not worth your time and the fact that they are here waving their dicks around on a story about a brutal murder is yet more indication of their poor grasp of the world around them and beyond their own fragile masculinity.

Damn that’s good.

The ACA made it possible for the small, family owned biz, I help manage, obtain, and afford to cover 75-90%, health insurance for our employees, their children and any stay at home spouse.

Excellent point - think you nailed it

It better be something incredibly egregious, because otherwise it is a total dick move on Jolie’s part. Can you imagine if it was well known world-wide that your mother kicked your dad out over “parenting issues”? Not a huge leap to one or more of those kids feeling responsible for their parents’ divorce.