Ceci N'est Pas Un Burner

The New Yorker ran a great piece about Jared (and Ivanka) this summer

This person is also exclusively naming male actors and is 100% trolling you.

If someone kills themself it means that prison staff doesn’t have to worry about them making trouble anymore.

Intersectionality means we also need to not pretend that a severely mentally ill high school drop out in prison for life in Alabama is privileged in any material way just because they’re white.

3rd world actually refered to “neutral” countries in the cold war—essentially, developing countries that could be proxy battlefields (hence 3rd world became associated with developing nations). America and its allies were the 1st world, and the Soviet Bloc and allies were never refered to as 2nd world widely, but

Why do you think America has held onto Puerto Rico for so long? It was an abortion vacation spot you didn’t need a passport to get to pre-Roe, and it’ll be one in the dystopian Republican future.

So you commented hoping no one would comment on your comment?

It could be that--it could be that her parents don’t want her wearing the hijab and she wanted to make her commitment to self-martyrdom clear. It could be that her parents don’t like her boyfriend or she failed a test and wanted a bigger crisis to distract them with.

Not even just in the public eye, but this was exactly the trigger NYPD was looking for to be suspicious of anyone else who comes forward.

I know a lot of Jews and atheists who would disagree with that. Most Muslims I know, though, are down with secular Christmas.

Good. Religious holidays don’t have a place in government run schools, except in the course of teaching history and such.

Besides, it’s not going to be black hitmen--that’s absurd. Rich white people are going to pay working class white people to take out the white underclass. Look at West Virginia, Kansas, Oklahoma--if you think America isn’t willing to fuck over poor people who happen to be white, you’re not paying attention. Plenty of

Cops shoot a hell of a lot of poor white people, too

(2) someone who feels “hurt” or triggered because they’re racist is different than someone who is “hurt” or triggered because they’re part of a vulnerable group.

oh man, i’m so fat. i actually have to ride around in a little scooter with a sidecar to hold all my fat. oink oink oink. i wish i was on anti-depressants but i’m just a fat piggie who loves to eat.

nah, don’t wanna. it’s fun! plus, you’re so cute when you get mad. rawr

Is this really how seriously you take comment sections? You think my dumb comments today are the reason we’re not going to have a woman president? Go out and talk to a person in real life today, please.

Replying to you so you can get out of the greys and get the cool girl cred you want :)

OK, but the thing he was explaining was specifically gender issues. Yes, men often explain things without it being gendered.

No, threading isn’t. It’s not even a gendered activity—it first became widely used among black femal writers.