
I could see Brienne dying now. The only thing that makes me pause is her Valyrian steel sword. If she didn't have that, I would bet she's a goner.

Agreed, but the shot where Arya was running and the Waif was catching up with her by running (out of focus) on the wall behind her was awesome.

I'm on a completely different wavelength from the reviewer. I thought last week was awful (worst in the series) and this week was between good and great. It gave a clean exit from the Faceless Men, had an emotional reunion for Brienne and Jamie, had a fantastic twist with Tommen's decree, and gave a nice place for

I think Arya's storyline is dragging out because Dany will head towards Braavos and use that city as a launching point for invading Westeros, where Arya may join Dany's forces. There are lots of clues in the books suggesting this, and the show has started putting them in too, like a couple weeks ago when J'aqen talked

Maybe. Or possibly she's still walking towards Meereen after that speech she gave in the middle of the desert for absolutely no reason.

Both the Waif and Ja'qen will meet their precious god given the title of the episode. And a Lannister…probably Kevan.

I think the show has all but given up on respecting geography (perhaps to its benefit). But when Yarasha and Theon made it all the way to Volantis in one episode, I think all bets are off on geography being a restriction to moving characters from place to place.

But it was the wrong wolf, and everyone knew it

My guess: Snow Bowl ep 9, Dany launches her invasion of Westeros from Braavos as the cliffhanger.

I kind of like your theory about Brienne uniting the Jamie and the Blackfish. Book Jamie and show Jamie are in completely different headspaces during the siege, so it does make you wonder why the showrunners sent Jamie up here. Brienne could unite the two forces, they could retake Winterfell and make a powerful, more

She did have Lady killed, and killing an innocent direwolf will make you hated very quickly. But point taken, she hasn't really done anything murderous other than that on the show. In the books, she has no trouble knowingly sending people on suicide missions though.

Monica's feedback will come back I think. Along with the problem of the files that kept getting undeleted. This show doesn't deal in Veep-levels of callbacks, where even the most minor and obscure comment can lead to another hidden joke later on, and those two problems seem to stand out enough to be important.

Yeah, it could've been handled better. At the very least, just to change things up, we could have seen her learning new assassination techniques (eg, mixing poisons, knife work, etc) rather than just weeks of stick fighting with the Waif.

For some reason I don't find Richard as funny as a lot people do, but on this episode, he was killing me. His screwups with the camera were predictable, but omg they were hilarious

I thought Ian McShanes merry band was horribly directed. Happy people happily working all the live long day, kids being goofy kids, a knowing father figure was overseeing everything with a speech about morals ready to go at a moment's notice, and even a bouncy musical score was thrown in just in case we couldn't see

Wasn't up yet. And I was very, very mindful not to hint at any spoilers at all; pointed out exactly in the show where we'd seen the setting before, so it's explicit that no one needs to read the books to read the post. The map would be helpful, that was the point.

An awful episode, mainly because of the direction I think. I don't mind the episodes that just move pieces around or establish character; those can be great too. But the whole little utopian community felt like it belonged in a 50's cowboy tv show, with smiles and campfire singing and wholesome goodness all around. It

The director of that episode said it was supposed to be consensual (perhaps that's Monday morning quarterbacking) and in the books it was consensual. So there's a good chance the show is acting like the rape never happened, and they've got enough justification to get away with it.

Yeah, good point. We never saw her rallying the Dothraki after her little bonfire at Vaes Dothrak. But it seems kind of implied two weeks later.

Yeah, I think Qyburn will take over Varys's dirty work in kings landing