
Haha, my thoughts exactly. One of my all time favorite films.

No way Hulu takes the risks HBO did. It'll almost certainly be sanitized and white-washed (well, the source material already does that) and ultimately gone in one season, just like that show about the actual War of the Roses was.

That sounds like an awesome drive-in and projectionist

The opening music feels different because of the piano. Replace it with low strings, and it'd feel fine (though it is a bit more classically structured, it's not too much of a divergence).

After the Thrones has a great segment towards the end of the show that lists who is on whom's team.

Not too keen on Varys's journey, but I loved Tyrion's trip toward Meereen after he fled King's Landing, despite his depression (we don't care where whores go). I know I'm in the minority, but those were my favorite chapters in the whole series.


This is objectively true. I think about 10 AV staffers started playing, each with a bankroll of $1k, so the most the house could win was $10k. But the house owes about $100k to the people left.

Infinity times 40 equals infinity, so you're better off only betting a dollar.

Bet the field (at least one of Walder Frey, Jorah, or Pycelle has to go), and Davos will kill Melisandre or vice versa. At those odds, bet them both.

I think there are a few options. Dorne is stronger, for one. And she wouldn't inherit a civil war with them now that Doran is dead. Or Braavos would likely help too; they hate slavery, the Iron Bank still has a debt to settle with the throne, and they've got a huge navy. And after tonight, even the Starks might be as

No speeches today, but Dany is due again. She went an entire episode without one. (She tried, but Tyrion stopped her just in time.)

Yeah, I can't argue with that; that battle was fantastic! I just think we're losing those shades of gray that the books had, and also the excitement of the twists that happen when characters earn them rather than some deus ex machina saving them from their mistakes.

Both Jon and Dany made amateur mistakes. Jon, as commander of the army, was lured off his strategy by Ramsay and only won because of cinema's amazing timing for last minute bailouts by your friends. Dany married the first suitor that came along (figuratively) when much stronger allies are available. Book Dany makes

Fair enough, but there's so much wrong with Westeros that trial by combat seems like a minor quibble. The right of first night (though I think that's banned now), patriarchal rule, no rights for illegitimate children, etc, are all bigger issues I'd think

Possibly King's Landing. It seems like the show is basically circling around to the end of Book 5 on several plotlines, so why not Varys's too?

Really, they aren't too far away from the end of Book 5 at this point

Yeah, me too, and I edited my comment. I was just whining for no decent reason :)

I took it that the Starks felt the fly was stealing the wine, and they were forcing it to return the wine. But I might be wrong

I gave up on the book following the show, even though they basically are circling around to the end of book 5 again. Still, they're two separate entities at this point, and I hate to be snobbish, but the books are much better now.