
I'm not sure what Dany's scene was supposed to accomplish. She's still in the wastes north of Meereen, a long ways from anyone else, so she's got travel a ways before even talking to people about going back. She can't make any immediate big moves to justify that scene, unless she takes the khalasaar and heads towards

This has to be one of the lowest death counts in the whole series…did a single person die? I think just a few rabbits to feed Coldhands and Bran

Haha, yeah, I've done that too! :)

Not true. According to both HBO and Wikipedia, episode 6 airs May 29.

Yeah, Kings Landing is due for a shakeup

If you follow the link, you'll see they chose the wrong question for Kansas. The better question there is, "What is Syria?"

I'll take $20 on Margaery. Since she's standing front and center on the steps, she'd be an easy target if a fight broke out. Plus, it would completely destabilize Kings Landing because the Tyrells wouldn't have nearly as much reason to support the Lannisters. That sounds like chaos that GRRM would enjoy creating.

I love this show! And your review is spot on; there are some great moments, but still plenty of potential not yet realized. Looking forward to weekly reviews.

I tweeted it too. Didn't see a king of mad cows Twitter account to credit :(

Idris Elba is busy seeking the Crimson King, doesn't have time to play with M's little toys.

"Journalist at CNN" is not synonymous with "actual smart person", as past Jeopardy performance and CNN news coverage consistently proves.

The Hunger Games books. Katniss Everdeen is very, very whiny, to the place where I couldn't stand her. The movies were actually much better, I thought, and Jennifer Lawrence in particular did a good job with an annoying character.

I honestly don't remember that, but it sounds like something they'd do!

Chevy Chase, is that you??

Fair points about the movie itself, though Danny Elfman's score from Edward Scissorhands is truly masterwork.

His movies were a throwback to an earlier generation. He made his big movies a generation ago, so by now they feel like they're three generations old. They really don't hold up well at all.

Birdman (the Michael Keaton movie) is the most pretentious, ridiculous, unbelievable piece of drivel I think I have ever seen. Schmidt is definitely right about this one.

Agree totally on Robin! I lost $5 on Melisandre (still thought they had a perfect opportunity to off her), so I'll make it back with $10 on Lord Arryn.

Having someone as a point of view character in The Sorrows would be AWESOME in the books, but since the show basically ignores everything in Essos between Pentos and Meereen I doubt we'll ever go back there again. After all, Volantis didn't even get put on the map and Valyria was essentially a stand in for The

I'd take 100-1 on Melisandre. We know two things about the Lord of Light's magic: