I don't think we have had a friendly ghost Pokemon yet
I don't think we have had a friendly ghost Pokemon yet
There it stood in the darkness;
I see shitty people............
They’re also kidnapping clampearls in new snap!
How did you get the storyboard to Jordan Peele’s new movie, Nope?
3 years and already phoning it in Zack?
So much to say!
Really Zack? When Pidove was right there for the taking!
“He’s clearly an original creation, like Ricky Rouse or Monald Muck!” - Buizel expert Shary Boppins
Not forever! Only until 39!
1. Tyrunt is awesome! I love his design! Can’t believe it took gamefreak this long to get a Trex!
Knowing the type of sh*t people get kinks in, I'm sure Gengar is VERY popular in the pokemon world.
Too late (about the sonic)
Ok, this is some bullshit.