And that completely lacks nuance, too. And historical context. And meaning. It doesn’t actually say anything. It’s both lazy and inane.
And that completely lacks nuance, too. And historical context. And meaning. It doesn’t actually say anything. It’s both lazy and inane.
If you were to ask me, Biden is the most Hillary 2.0 candidate there is out there. And Hillary in ‘16 was the most Gore 2.0 candidate since 2000.
Uhhhh, what? Either I lost you or you lost yourself there for a moment. Let me try to slow things down:
Yes! And I think that is what Bernie is doing here. He’s not trying to fight Warren so much as trying to get her to put her stakes into the ground NOW and boldly declare that she won’t compromise herself for corporate (read: financial sector) support.
Do you think that Bernie is engaging in a Win at All Costs strategy and is trying to attack Warren et al in an effort to make them unelectable? 4 years ago the idea of him giving a serious challenge to Clinton was unfathomable and nobody in their right mind would’ve predicted that he would have the staying power that…
I would like to see Mitchy’s birth certificate on this one. Sea turtles have a lifespan of 152 years, so even if we take his exasperating excuse at face value, he may in fact have been alive for “something that happend 150 years ago.”
Do baseball games for 7 year olds really need umps?
No matter what or how AOC says anything, it’s going to be attacked from the right at this point. She’ll get labeled as a socialist (not that she’d mind that one too much), an anti-semite or a reactionary. If they can’t come up with something new, they’ll just try and take a patronizing perspective and attack her age.…
I wish I could write this better, but I’m not able to so I humbly thank you.
As you wrote, Donald Trump is not a genius and he’s not playing three-dimensional chess and I couldn’t agree more. But I think that his inability to think two steps was a feature and not a bug.
Were we at war with Iran 4 years ago? No. So we can’t go to war with them now because then Donnie didn’t make everything better. Remember, folks, Donnie isn’t hearing people say “Death to America” anymore. He hasn’t heard that since he saw all those muslims on top of buildings in New Jersey in ‘01.
Move it from Manama to Trump Heights. That’ll solve everything.
According to Pfizer’s press release for #pfizerpride, I don’t see any actual money being given to any organization. The fuck?
I respectfully disagree with pretty much everything you’ve said. Donald Trump is a horrible and horrendous and gruesome person. What he is doing is truly harming our country in ways that people with simple bad policies are incapable of. He’s also a brainless anal wart, but I digress.
I think that this idea about being “really and truly dedicated to defeating donald trump” is where a lot of these thoughts and ideas go completely off the rails because that becomes their sole focus. You can’t only try and defeat him by any means necessary:
I’m having trouble figuring out if he is such a complete narcissist that freaks out if the spotlight is off him for even an instant or if his brain is so far gone that he doesn’t even realize that he’s NOT part of this year’s production of An American President. Maybe it’s both.
Dear Everyone’s Favorite (especially mine!) President, Donald Trump,
It’s George’s fault for asking such “gotcha” questions.
Time for another exciting game of: Who Said It? Climate Change Denier or Anti-Vaxxer?