wait, what?

The hypocrisy of these people knows no bounds. It’s infuriating. Black football player kneels during anthem: “Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, he’s fired. He’s fired!” 

I just don’t understand, and maybe someone should be able to clear this up for me: What is the corporate structure in the white house? Like, even before an overcooked turkey with an unhealthy addiction to the teevee became its occupant. I would think that the whole operation would be much too large for even that turd

I think that he has confused NASA with Nestle and the moon with M&Ms which is in fact a part of Mars. Still doesn’t make any sense whatsoever, but makes me feel better if his mind is on candy.

The Mets do plenty of things to shit on, but this one does seem like a bit of a reach and it’s hard to get too worked up about. The draft is a crapshoot for years beyond even when you think you know. Milledge was a can’t miss and untouchable, until he came to the majors. Was Kazmir a bust? I still don’t know.

This is the most unconscionable thing that I’ve ever read. It makes me sick to my core. People are really order Burger King delivery?? 

These are NOT a healthy alternative to a regular burger. They don’t even market themselves as a health product. In all of their materials, on their packaging, on their websites, etc. these companies position themselves as saving the planet. They highlight how much less energy is needed and waste is created to make one