This story is not real. It can’t be. A girl named “Sofi” had to make a choice among family members at a concentration camp? And Sophie’s Choice isn’t referenced even once in the article??
This story is not real. It can’t be. A girl named “Sofi” had to make a choice among family members at a concentration camp? And Sophie’s Choice isn’t referenced even once in the article??
Laziness, right? It has to be just plain old-fashioned laziness. Short of crossing the line between every day villainy and cartoonish super-villainy, there just doesn’t seem to be any reason to act this way. It just seems like an empty, brainless vessel wearing a person-suit took this job and is only now learning that…
Like the old saying goes: If at first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth you don’t succeed, try and try and try and try and try and try and try again and never stop trying the same thing over and over again because it’ll eventually work out.
Call me the pessimist, then, because I don’t see a route forward to codifying jackshit in the future. Whoever is in power is not going to want to change the rules that limit their power after all this is said and done.
Thanks for sharing!
I’m not going to credit his instincts here, but I will agree on the giant sack of shit part. He never gets told ‘no’ on anything and it’s just a learned behavior at this point. Someone told him he can’t do something and Donnie is going to throw a tantrum until he gets his way because that’s how it’s worked for the…
I think your flowchart needs a little correcting.
I’m sure there are lots of people who are commenting in articles and discussion forums. I’m not sure that the number of people, “including soccer fans” is significant. How else do you explain the actual number of people who did watch?
I talked to many people this weekend who said, ‘I love soccer, I’m not watching the U.S. women’
It’s not that there are people who believe anything he says, but there are a ton of people who don’t care that he lies. They create their own narrative by selectively choosing some of what he says, some of what Fox says and some of what they believe in their gut. I’ve had this argument with family and it’s painful…
Pessimistically speaking, you’ve already provided the reasoning to your befuddlement. You wrote it yourself: “faux doesn’t count, they’re not media they’re propaganda.” Unfortunately, not everyone agrees with who is the faux.
“These statements are completely unacceptable.” Their actions, on the other hand, are very much accepted and supported.
Wow. I apologize to everyone I’ve ever said “that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard” to before. You were but pretenders to the crown.
I’m way too cool to read the entire linked article, so my bad. But whatever.
About ten years ago I was in Portland, OR and took a cab to the airport. The cab driver was bemoaning all of the “gutter punks” in the city that were making it so dirty. “They have homes,” he told me, “they just think it’s cool to live outside because we give them so much free stuff.”
Starting to think that Biden supporters are a whole helluva a lot like Donnie’s supporters, only with slightly better marketing.
I think they will respond to the unrest by painting the refugees as violent animals. But I don’t think they are capable of planning past the tip of their nose. It’s never part of a greater plan with these dimwits.
“A critical function of our service is providing a place where people can openly and publicly respond to their leaders and hold them accountable,”
It’s a standard reaction that slowly leads them to a path of acceptance every time:
There’s too much to unpack here. In just one (3?) tweet Donnie has managed to jam in so many lies, what? moments, misleading statements and outright bullshit. Without even touching on the inherent racism sprinkled throughout: