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    @Mike Anderson: It does have huge potential. If hell freezes over and:

    Now that we've become so dependent on email for communication, changing email addresses has become almost as annoying as changing phone numbers... I look at the prospect of switching with little enthusiasm.

    @theprancingboar: I don't think they should be too worried about it getting hacked. Kinect gets geek cred and it'll still sell like hot cakes to their target audience (the non-gamer, family-oriented kind).

    @JakeMG: Stunt Triple: I guess nobody stops you from tacking on a $15/mo 200 MB plan... The difference this time is they won't force a data plan.

    @leGodt: Exactly. Sidekick part deux, the way God intended it.

    @geekymitch: Budget-conscious parents getting cheap, high-endish texting phones for their kids. I can see it working.

    Say what you will about Kinect, but this is truly a remarkable story and speaks volumes about MS's natural user interface initiatives.

    @18kcrit: I played MW2 on the PC.

    @DocSeuss: Heh, you're right. I was referring to the shower scene. I played through it a year ago and didn't remember those other two parts. Makes me wanna play through it again.

    I'm glad this is good. Aside from having pre-ordered it, I think I needed this to be good, to restore my trust in the CoD franchise that MW2 took away.

    @MrRainMan: Thanks, Captain Hindsight!

    @ThisCharmingMan: Mac users are sooo beyond that. They're just better.

    @kitkatklub123: Hmm... I'm not exactly an Apple fan (more of a

    @DarthYoda1325: I meant from a core gamer's perspective. I'm sure people who don't care about the core experience could find those games pretty enjoyable.

    @Mr C: All they need to do is convert the metro UI to tablets, use the same managed Silverlight/XNA layers in WP7 and put them on top of Windows Embedded Compact 7, leverage the same WP7 Silverlight/XNA development tools, and partner up with 1 or 2 manufacturers to develop flagship devices and you've got an awesome,

    @Magilacuddy: Not with this generation. Will definitely become possible later, though I'm not sure if the current hardware is capable of it. So, like with anything Microsoft (and Apple, for sure), I'll just wait for the second gen.

    I must be completely crazy, because to me it looks awesome. Of course, in practice, it's probably poo.

    The launch games do suck, and unfortunately from a customer perspective a platform is only as good as its software.