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    @TactakillChewy: Unfortunately, there's no Kinect/Netflix support at the moment. It's a huge bummer for me.

    @Sora57: Speaking of butt, pink tote bag on the left is checking out purple shirt's ass.

    @GitEm$teveDave: He was unstarred too. For comparing the two articles? O...kay.

    @GamerKT: Please, don't remind me... It's too painful. I loved that show.

    Kinect for $120 is a pretty nice deal. Even if you end up not liking it, you can sell it on Ebay or Craigslist this holiday season for a nice profit when it inevitably becomes "the thing that's always sold out but you just HAVE to get", like the Wii was 3 years ago.

    @Link2187: Seeing as there is already technology being developed to read your brainwaves to control wheelchairs, I wouldn't be surprised.

    @Monty: And heart.

    @NanorH: Exactly. Enough to break up with my MBP? Not for $600 more it isn't.

    @Hearthatvoiceagain is still waiting for Andy: According to comScore, Hotmail/Live Mail has ~350 million monthly users... Easily more widely used than Yahoo! Mail (~280 million) and Gmail (~160 million). So it's not all that implausible.

    They were hating it before even trying it because it was a Western console. Fanboys.

    @Kaiser 'Dawn of the Banned' Machead v.2.3: The presentation is head and shoulders above what Google provides. The results from Bing are actually very similar to those of Google. Of course because they're not significantly better, people don't see a reason to switch.

    @elmorepow: I know! Make it look more like iPhone, give it some bevels, some gloss and give everything a fake 3D look from 2004. It'll look awesome!

    Matt, it looks like you can queue up stuff to stream, using the same long press that gives you the menu to download the song, there's an "Add to Now Playing" option.

    @Adam Lein: Thanks! It sounded like a huge omission. Also from the video it seems Matt was wrong about not being able to queue up streaming content on the fly either.

    You really can't download Zune Pass songs OTA? That's a huge bummer for me.

    Like a child throwing a temper tantrum, MS had to give him a pacifier to calm him down.

    @Bluecold: I'm honestly struggling to make sense of your reply. When did I say half a meter isn't acceptable?

    @Bluecold: Based on estimated distance at which you'll watch both of these devices (arms length) and the resolution, the Retina display already offers more detail than your eye can make out. Increasing the resolution of the Retina display will result in no visible change.

    @kyphem: HTML5 is a markup language for browsers. Air is a stand-alone, cross-platform runtime.

    @stifflittlefinger: You know, none of those things you mentioned have anything to do with Air, or any cross-platform runtime.