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    I don't like the fact that it deviates so much from the Metro aesthetic. Metro aims to get away from faux-3D gloss and vain attempts to make everything fit a metaphor (The sticky notes on the bulletin board).

    Awesome. It only took them like 5 years. Still, glad it's there. (Kind of like when iOS gained multitasking).

    @fisk27: Or, or! She may have just meant that the Seesmic app for WP7 is better looking than the Seesmic app for iOS.

    @Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: Yeah, I've come across some sci-fi snobs who say it was crap, but man I loved that movie. Haters gon' hate, and all that.

    @LordMaim: Cool, I watch Microsoft's conferences to bitch and moan about products I wasn't gonna buy anyway. *High Five*

    @makeitgo: You can't be serious. They held the first official announcement of WP7 at Mobile World Congress 2010 on February 15 in Barcelona.

    @RuckingFetard: There was never such promise. I bought mine knowing full well that an app marketplace for the HD was just a nice expectation. If you want apps, an iPod Touch is still your best choice, but that doesn't mean the Zune HD isn't a superior media player in just about every way.

    @RuckingFetard: Not Tegra 2. Just Tegra. The resolution was that because the screen is small. If you owned a Zune HD I highly doubt you'd be saying it's not a "satisfying product".

    @MarcusMaximus: Shh, we don't want anyone making sense here. Sensationalism makes for lots of clicks; let's leave it at that.

    I still find no use for an iPad (or an Android tablet) in my lifestyle. I don't read enough literature to warrant buying a Kindle, but for the sole purpose of reading, it seems like the more sensible purchase.

    @717: Historically that's what Apple has done with all their products. But this strategy isn't going to work in any third world country, where the vast majority can't afford a $600 toy.

    If it sells as much as the iPhone there, "big business" is a bit of an exaggeration. At those prices, they can forget about making any kind of dent in that market.

    @some1else2: The 'funeral' was a small part of the entire parade, not the focus of it. In fact the parade was a part of a much larger party. Blogs are focusing on that minor part because, well... It gets us to click on the story and cry foul in the comments.

    @The Fight: It's not going to get cleared up. Blogs thrive on controversy, whether warranted (or even instigated) or not.

    @apeguero: They got rid of ActiveSync altogether. And it's not a marketing stunt, just a private party.

    @MiKHEILL: You must be fun at parties. I'm sure you practice lengthy, condescending speeches in front of the mirror to be used against whomever presents any hostility and does so in a less than eloquent manner.

    @some1else2: They're celebrating the fact that a project they spent years working on is now ready for the public. I'd celebrate too.