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    @SeraphX2: My thoughts exactly. .NET is a beautiful platform... Plus it's a huge selling point to be able to deploy games on the desktop, mobile and xbox with minimal changes and 90% code parity.

    @blehbleh13: I'm pretty sure it was intentional.

    @Sora57: It's a visual cue to let you know that there is more content if you swipe to the right or left. If the text is cut off, it just means there's more.

    @octasquid: What was 2-3 years? Didn't they always replace your Xbox for free if you got a RRoD?

    @John Boehr: Boo American Corporation 1, which cares about nothing other than getting your money and lots of it, Yay American Corporation 2, which cares about nothing other than getting your money and lots of it!

    @storm: Yeah, because the scale of Apple's relevance and of computing in general is the same now as it was then...

    @Vultan: The article isn't about the antenna issue, it's about how Apple handled it, saying in a way that Apple is inexperienced at being Top Dog and made a mistake, which resulted in a "PR shitstorm". That last part I disagree with. They'll come out of this unscathed.

    @nicktennear: Oh man. If I could double-agree I would. I expect their announcement to be some sort of pseudo-apology and some vague way of addressing the issue.

    I like your perspective, especially noting that Apple is unfamiliar at being "top dog". That's something that Microsoft had to deal with in the 90's and their "big bad American corporation" stigma remains in their crippled image. It's unclear whether they'll ever be able to recover.

    @nbergseng: HTC passed on the offer because they just didn't have 1.2 billion laying around, and Microsoft is in the middle of revamping their own mobile OS. That and they don't need Palm's patents.

    Well, I'm glad Apple didn't buy it. They would've buried it and webOS would've been but a glimmer in 2009's eye.

    @Machine-code: There's no way I'd buy this anyway, I'm just asking the reviewer if stock Android 2.2 would make this a lust-worthy phone or not.

    @Mars478: Funny how you edited your comment after I replied... Sneaky.

    So if this were running stock Froyo, would it be a different story?

    @Metkis: Sorry, didn't get your references.

    @Metkis: Seems to me more like 2001: A Space Odyssey... the 3 guys in space suits finding this monolith thing that represents a giant evolutionary leap.

    Sure, it's throwing subtlety out the window, but I love the Droid ad campaign. They work and genuinely get people amped up about the devices.

    @Stevox: Vista sales were in the tank... that's hilarious. 20 million copies sold in the first month, 280 million sold by the time Windows 7 came out. El Oh El.

    I think he's actually speaking about the hyperbolic perception of both products as lemons in the consumer's eyes, greatly instigated by the media.

    @zeroprime: Cloud-based Zune software for you to sync your devices (WP7 phone, Zune HD) via Wi-Fi, on the go.