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    @acidrain69: Oh look, it's a starred troll.

    That amount is ludicrous. Did they just throw up a number and see what happens?

    @yodaddy: Wii games drop price at a lethargic pace. Wii Fit is still $100 at Amazon. Fuzi Lojak made a good point.

    @pmbaustin: Yes, I saw in a video they specifically mentioned being able to add your Gmail and Google Calendars aside from the Windows Live stuff. They didn't mentioned Google Contacts, but if they're including Calendar, don't think it's a longshot to assume Contacts will also be included.

    @tande04: I hope they use the exact same Studio for WP7. I hope it's just the same with the timeline, automatic sync of photos, video, text messages, etc.

    Double posted

    @D.LYTE: Still plenty of time till a drool-worthy WP7 device comes along. I don't think there will be anything groundbreaking at launch.

    @yantelope: Aye. I got a refurb Dell Axim pocket pc back in 2005. I loved that thing with passion until the screen spontaneously burst before my eyes, 3 weeks after the 1 year warranty was over.

    @FaustsHausUK: So what do you propose then? Ignore it?

    @Joel Johnson: Sure, if those people are merely stating that they're having no problems. The issue I have is with people who attempt to nullify the antenna flaw by saying, 'I have no problems, therefore there is no issue and this is all blown out of proportion'.

    @Aiwass23: I think you mean exaggerated. And I agree, it's possible that most people are having no issues, but that in no way takes away from the fact that there are indeed people having problems and that, if the issue doesn't get enough attention, Apple will have no need to address it.

    Well said. Then there's the camp that goes "I have an iPhone 4 and I've never had the issue". Great, fantastic even, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist and that others aren't having it.

    @mtfmuffins: I thought it was because of the funny way their last names rhyme.

    @MayorBloomberg: I challenge you to find me one official Google quote calling the competition "junk".

    A Spanish saying comes to mind, "Ladrón que roba a ladrón tiene siete años de perdón."

    @That_was_totally_Batman: Lol, indeed, my findings indicated that teenagers have much sharper reaction times than older adults. At least in my sample, which admittedly was quite small. (30 students and a few teachers).

    @MarcusMaximus: I get your argument, but here's the flaw: reaction time from an outside event != the reaction time from an event you caused. I know precisely when I'm pressing the button and my brain doesn't have to react to my own button press, as it "predicts" the event. Therefore the time between my own button