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    @MarcusMaximus: It depends on what they mean by reaction time. If it's the time it takes for a college-age human to take action after an event takes place (an auditory stimulus is registered), then yes.

    @Señor Cagon: Interesting. I wonder if things are similarly screwed up in their R&D department.

    @Señor Cagon: I'd think having worked at Microsoft would position you pretty nicely in the job market. No?

    @ortizlgnd4: No. The "satellite imagery" has since been refuted. Also, while it's possible (much like anything is possible, really), I'd be careful of calling any of this "fact".

    @imTheKing: But is it the whole company or is it just a division or two? I just can't imagine 90,000 people working under such depressing conditions and willingly continue to work there.

    @Kyderdog: ...Yes, just like the Zune, except the Zune's a great product and hasn't been canned.

    The comments in the Mini-Microsoft article make it seem downright depressing to work there. I wonder if it's a company-wide thing, and if so, why the hell don't people just up and leave.

    @CaptainJack: I'm looking forward to WP7. Latest tech demos look really polished.

    @717: JavaScript (through the use of the Document Object Model, which is an XML representation of a page) is used to do fancy things that plain old HTML can't do, like dynamically changing stuff on the page, on the fly, without having to refresh the page.

    @Graham J: Is he now? Are you a software developer? If you are, that's quite a naïve statement, as Java is found virtually everywhere, even at the back-end side of web apps, like, say, Facebook.

    I love that illustration! Too bad about the misspelling of "excerpt", but I'm really digging Wendy's work.

    @the_j: The advertising was fine. The pricing, on the other hand... It's kinda dumb that MS didn't hustle Verizon to price the data plans differently. It was doomed to fail.

    The data plan pricing made this a complete failure. It had potential, but not at those costs.

    @shocker: I own an iPhone 3GS and plan to buy an iPhone 4 next month. Yes, this post matters to me in order to know what I'm getting into.

    @mjfetner: Well, I own an iPhone 3GS and am planning on buying an iPhone 4 next month, so yeah, this article is for me, as it's important for me to know whether there are issues with it and whether or not I'll be able to exchange it if I have problems with it.

    I'll gladly pay the fee if I can access the entire back catalog of shows. Will love this on my iPhone and Xbox 360

    @Rev Slow: I'm judging and attacking those who take personal offense on Giz pointing out a flaw in a device. A tech blog pointing out flaws in gadgets - unheard of, I know.