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    To all butthurt iPhone 4 satisfied customers: This post isn't for you. It's for those who've bought the phone and are actually having problems with it. If you don't have any issues with your phone, that's awesome. Stop acting like anybody's judging or attacking you for liking your purchase.

    @MacAttack: Hey, maybe it was a pun. "Stay tuned [with your busted iPhone antenna]", get it?

    @frigg: Persecution complex, activate.

    @FriedPeeps: So, by your logic, the iPhone 3G is obsolete because it can't handle the full iOS4 upgrade. Time since the iPhone 3G: 2 years.

    @Graham J: The rate of obsolescence for iPhones is 2 years, which is definitely better than Android phones, but that in no way means their model isn't set up to suck you dry.

    Although I think the practice is heresy, everyone and their mother has their iPhone in a case.

    I really don't see the lag. Her avatar was twitching a lot in the beginning though. They seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit.

    @Sora57: The article in Kotaku already issued an update saying the reason all demos were standing up was because it was a feature they hadn't implemented yet but will be there at launch.

    @G-Squared: "Sitting is something we're still calibrating for"

    @Segador: Good for you, and as a hardcore gamer I agree, but that wasn't my point at all.

    @JEmlayUSA: You're assuming there won't be bundled pricing.

    *Insert Internet complaint here*

    @soyuz93: Yes, but that's exactly my point. That $55.74 is for just one player. If you want 3 friends playing with you the price is driven north of Kinect's MSRP. With Kinect you can have 4 players with no added cost.

    @TheodoraLexis: My point was to illustrate that when you have more than 1 person playing, it becomes way more expensive than Kinect. If you have 4 Wii Controllers + Nunchuks and possibly a Wii Fit, you'll have spent more than just buying a Kinect and calling it a day.

    @JEmlayUSA: Nothing, really? I was wrong about it only affording you a single player experience. However, if you want 3 of your buddies to play along with you, you'll see my logic is sound.

    Let's take a look at Amazon pricing for the competition:

    @Segador: Must be why the Wii is running laps around the Xbox and the PS3.