
It’s always fun to see a car I never knew of in here. Learning is fun!

shining star

We just are so much better than this.

Was the guy swinging a heavy chain around in there?

oh jesus CHRIST i am like 5 miles from this thing. somebody talk me out of buying this my wife is gonna kill me

Seriously. And it’s so bad for them. Having all that weight in a static position like that is partially what causes so many problems. 

The fact that it’s a bikini/Hooters-style shop is KIND OF IMPORTANT TO THE STORY, WRITER. At least in helping readers realize that the customer is, you know...that guy.

Like she said, nobody forced him to buy it. I brew my coffee at home for pennies a cup. He can too.

I’m the writer and you’re the reader

After the sea levels raise a bit, it’ll still be convenient since rowing a canoe is about the same speed as walking! 

For fuck’s sake, proofread your headline.

You’re here commenting on frivolous destruction porn, and...

I mean, perhaps so, but if they don’t figure out the cause and make changes on the production line, it’s just kicking the can down the road.

GM be like “oopsie, here is a TSB instead, tee-hee!”

Goose joins the chat....

It’s one thing to figure out what was happening. It’s another thing to actually gather enough evidence that will stand up in trial against each individual involved.

We just called it stupidity. 

Collin, you forgot to put Boeing in the headline. You're slipping, sir.
