
Allowing China EV companies in will decimate US OEMs regardless of what they try to do to react.

But hey, at least you got your cheap Chinese shit right?

A comedian once said that, “Steve Bannon looks like AIDS came down with a person.

Ford ThunderCROSS

Yeah, but you’d be wrong in this case.

This was the airline’s mechanics at faults, not the manufactuer.

Not in this case.

This incident had nothing to do with the aircraft manufacturer.

U.S. airline maintenance has been responsible for some pretty catastrophic accidents, including the worst plane crash in American history, the DC-10 that crashed at O’Hare in 1979.

ND. These things are hot garbage.

Great looking car with just enough work needed to make this an easy project to get it to perfect, and all for credit card money. Easy NP, and off to Radwood you go!

...and you’ll always feel somewhat embarrassed driving it.

I mean height might be an issue...

Sometimes end consumers figure out issues that engineers can’t simply because they use their vehicles in a million unpredictable ways.

That said, a 20min walk could be just what he needs.

..and I bet you’re ten times healthier than he is, too.

*kill. Let’s not make the word “unalive” a thing. You want Luigi to kill another man.

Ok. Hands up. How many of you here walk 20+ minutes daily? Or how about when was the last time you walked anywhere, at all, for a solid 20 minutes?

Not to mention being anti-chain immigration, despite how his wife’s family got here.

“No, he’s not taking the presidency ... No, he’s not going to be president, that I can tell you, and I’m safe.”