
Yeah, I wasn’t clear in my original post.. it’s the SIZE of the cruise ship in this story that I don’t get why people would want to be on. 10,000 people on a floating shopping mall and amusement park? The smaller ships of 20 years ago and ocean liners of the past? Those I get.

I should’ve clarified... why do they take cruises on ships THIS big. The cruise ships of the 80s and 90s were perfectly-sized, to where you truly felt that it was a getaway. These newer ones hold 7,000 passengers and have every amenity you can get at home.. at that point, why bother doing it on the ocean? Just drive

I was about to post, that if a Camry ends up on this list? It was a lemon. Not at all indicative of the make or model.

Jesus Christ, proof-read! Have some pride in what you do.

On a side note, why do people book cruises on these massive ships? The whole point is to get away from the city, what’s the point if you’re bringing the entire city with you?

Literally just trying to force it on the people

i KnOw WhAt i gOt, t@kE iT oR lEaVe iT

Just like I wrote yesterday...

I guarantee they knew it was racist, but did it anyway to draw in racist viewers.

Even if this thing were showroom mint, who’s going to spend nearly $10k for one of the last holdovers of the Malaise Era? No Dice.

Your username checks out.

That’s like saying “they didn’t put a swastika on it because they’re antisemites, they did it because they needed a German symbol and picked one at random”.

The seller claims to have spent beaucoup bucks on a stereo rather than fixing the car’s bodywork issues.

If you’re looking for a “go-to” as a symbol of what represents a particular region, your choice shouldn’t be tied to racism and genocide.

All of that is correct. But again, intent is key here. The first General Lees were built by Warner Bros. in Los Angeles and shipped to Georgia. The people in California who designed the car’s look weren’t thinking of the racist overtones of the flag, only that it was a symbol of the south. You have to remember, this

I think the Duke boys get a pass because they are explicitly anti-authoritarian.

Believe it or not, you can appreciate cars while also disliking the fact that a car show laundered Lost Cause propaganda.

If you were actually in the market for something like this, you would go sit in one and test drive it. Hard to get an accurate opinion from a few photos in a blog.

[ met-uh-fawr, -fer ]