That’s not how Autopilot works.
That’s not how Autopilot works.
Your mindset is clearly stuck in an era that’s over five decades since passed. In that regard, you should probably wait until the next boomer-approved American muscles car from 1964-1972 shows up here. Because this car is not overpriced... you get a LOT more car in this Z3 than you would with the General Lee.
I’d rather have a Miata, and if I really just wanted a convertible cruiser I can get a much newer Solara for that money.
Right? I live in San Diego and have rocked Chubbies and deck shoes more than once. He’s one fix away from being me, and I’m 45.
Yeah, tell him that in between boomers and millennials, is Generation X or “Gen X” (1965 - 1981-ish), which coincidentally is why the X Games even exists.
This looks like it could be a new generation of SAAB styling-wise. Do it!
My parents are boomers, so... I guess if the Reebok Pumps fit...
...which was deemed too small to succeed in the American market.
A woman down the street from me in the 80s drove a Beretta. That SOUND though... hnnggggg
and brought a wider appreciation for the unloved machines that ferried our grandparents through the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations.
They are banned, you can’t own a fully automatic weapon with out specific permits, that fact is one of the main reasons why an AR-15 is not in fact an assualt weapon..
So much this...but there are lots of people who apply the term ‘communism’, ‘socialism’, or ‘fascism’ to mean “anything that I don’t like”...
It’s as if half of the editorial writers at Jalopnik wandered over from Jezebel.
It’s just fucking bizarre.
Deadspin may be looking at a pretty hideous defamation lawsuit after one of its writers accused a half-Native American kid of wearing blackface and appropriating NA culture at a KC Chief’s game last week.
Except that I doubt the typical Incel has the income needed to buy one.
The Repubs will vote so they remove a pathologically lying criminal from Congress who changes his stories at the drop of a hat
Beat me to it.
That, and since the vast majority of owners are buying this thing for clout and “status,” it’s the AAA driver that would be changing those tires anyway.