
So for all of you here still that are on team Kap I mean I am sure he is finally registered to vote so he can help right? I mean he wouldn’t dare take a picture with the late John Lewis & forget to do the bare minimum of actually voting in an election right? I mean if John Lewis can devote his life to the fight for

Yeah activists so into change they couldn’t even be bothered to like vote or register to do so. I mean that is the bare minimum that he could do and he couldn’t be bothered. But hey some of you would rather see a sermon than hear one.

Yes but did Meghan tell you who her father was?

Here is the part that is making his fat orange ass mad as hell, the image Mark Burnett built up on NBC was just shown by Tish James to be one big ass front. That is right, he is a broke ass buster and his kids are criminals. We all know the emperor has no clothes but now he is butt naked and broke and we can all laugh

So Jimmy Kimmel did more to show contrition for a joke that fell flat more than Chris Rock did right? Again anyone that knew Jimmy & Quinta would know there was no malice or disrespect intended by him but hey the outrage gods had to be sated right?

I mean Ms. Court needs to answer me & to be fair Serena this question: What in the fuck does Serena owe you? I mean shit do you really want to compare your accomplishments to hers? God damn woman wasn’t no one thinking about your old musty ass last week but of course your Karen Radar popped all up in the air when you

The first rap hit? Uh no that would be “Rapper’s Delight.” Doing one verse in a song doesn’t make it a rap song.

Sorry I have some smoke for The Duke Volleyball team. If you can clearly hear the insults why the hell isn’t the coach pulling the team off the floor? John Thompson used to do that all the time. Gee I guess there is an “I” in team, as in “I don’t give a shit about my teammate.”

I mean I was about to call this petty and then I realized it isn’t. It is The Democratic party calling out that collection of filth for the phony ass hypocrites that they are. Drag them through the mud and leave them there but it is what the lot of them deserve. Also, GOP don’t pretend to give a shit about fairness,

You take the man out of Boston, but you can’t take The Boston out of the man. Oh I heard he even calls the main house...wait for it.. “The Big House.” Can’t make this shit up.

Yeah, the kid looks thrilled can’t you tell. Uh if that was my child someone would be in the ICU.

Correction: White Men apply disciplinary standards to a black man that they refuse to apply to owners. Daniel Snyder has been operating a cesspool in Washington and yet radio silence from the league. Goodell and Robert Kraft, he of the happy ending, were all too willing to go in on Watson. He deserves this but the

You mean Marion. That is his name. Then again if I was named Marion I would go by John as well.

The only reason Ms. Jean-Pierre had to go on television to remind the public that the FBI & DOJ are designed and supposed to act INDEPENDENTLEY of whatever administration occupies The Oval Office is due to Lord Stretch Marks of Mar-A-Shitholes actions during his reign of error. White people have spent the last four

For those that are saying when did The GOP become like this, I respond with when did they not? Do I need to remind all of you that the night after Ronald Reagan clinched the GOP nomination in 1980 he took his ass to of all places Philadelphia, Mississippi & proclaimed his support of “states rights.” This has always

Donald Trump is a cornered rat. This fat, ignorant, self-absorbed, bigoted, emotionally stunted, immature useless piss flap has never been held accountable for anything in his worthless existence on this planet. Well hopefully & finally the chickens have come home to roost. The only problem with this is that in his

One of these days a Karen is gonna run up on the wrong one.

I know most of you can’t read past a byline but try to. No Kamala Harris didn’t lock up hundreds and thousands of black men for minor marijuana infractions. Really you all think she had nothing better to do than that? Oh right most of you think Russian Stooge Tulsi Gabbard and Hotep’s Supreme actually studied her

Yeah no his shit is tired and so are people like you. 

Who made a joke in bad taste and has had made black women the target in his routines. Really this ain’t the flex you think it is.