
So every comedian made a joke that night about a personal physical ailment that affected them? Just checking. Really you willing to die on this hill?

So if Will Smith is who he really is, a man defending his wife being humiliated in a public space, then what in the hell is Chris Rock? Really you all need to quit.

And I & many others are still waiting for Chris Rock to apologize to Jada for his tasteless joke but hey I am sure there are plenty more traumatized white women & Chris Rock relatives to act butt hurt right?

Sorry but I am not here for anymore black trauma porn. If there was one topic I wish Hollywood wouldn’t have touched it is this one. The docuseries done by ABC this year was enough grief for two lifetimes. The only good that can come of this is if it finally leads to the arrest and incarceration of that lying piece of

So if you’re a black Republican at this point do you just let them call you nigger or do they have other cute code names for you?

Eat shit you bitch ass cry baby Bernie, cosplay socialist loser.

Shhhh. bErnIE wOulDa goTTeN us meDacAre fUh aLL, frEe cOlLegE & tACo tRuCks. Thank you Cedric this needs to be shouted from the rooftops. When you stayed home in 2010 because things didn’t get fixed in one minute that led to the tea party. When you bought the Bernie bullshit in 2016 that led to Trump. We yelled &

Wait wait I thought The Red Sox were in Chicago. Amazing the same folks that wouldn’t wear masks to stop a pandemic are big fans of them when they march.

Thank you. Denise Oliver Velez is a damn legend and when she calls your ass out, you know you done fucked up

God bless you for that title. My god between Jezebel & the looney left it’s like no one took a basic Civics class. I mean I know good journalists are hard to find but shouldn’t most of you have the common sense to know how this government works?

I mean look I get it she’s pretty and has a nice name but for the love of god please stop asking this dim-witted, brain-dead harpy anything about legislation. She has shown she doesn’t have the slightest clue about how government works and has no desire to learn or coalition build to craft any legislation that might

As James Baldwin put it so eloquently: I cannot believe a word that you say, because I see what you do. You slack jawed, yoga pants wearing, Lee Greenwood listening piece of white trash you meant every fucking word of that statement. Between John Cornyn of Texas asking for the repeal of Brown vs. BOE and Plessy vs.

No he stands alone. None of the above can write laws to harm us. When his sorry black ass dies no one will care. I mean no one that counts. I and others will rejoice.

Whenever I think of Clarence Thomas I am reminded of the scene in a Soldiers Story where Sgt. Walters is speaking about the damage that one ignorant negro can do. Yeah Clarence that is you. When you die no one will mourn you. Not these white folks who’s ass you kiss, no one black will give a shit and quite frankly

Co-sign. She, Tiffany Cross and the rest of the Sisterhood Of Traveling Weaves got on my damn nerves with their little boat trip & bashing her. I mean Joy has always been a phony but she dragged others into the same boat. Oh Jemele Hill I ain’t forgot you either. 

Nina Turner and Brie Brie are what happens when you don’t have any black friends & run in exclusive white social circles

Please tell me who was a better power forward from 97-07. Please tell me who? I gotta hear this. Please say Kevin Garnett so I can laugh at you. The same Garnett that never beat Duncan head to head in a playoff series. The same Garnett that never got to a Finals as an Alpha. Steph changed the game? Yeah made it worse,

This has been proven false so many time it’s not funny. You can Google it.

Or get asked to throw an election, threatened by an angry mob and then still have love for your side piece.

The comments from some of you so called “progressives” on here would make a Hotep proud. So Kamala ain’t black enough for you but Liz & Bernie are huh? Yeah thought so. Google her record & quit with the bullshit, the more people see & speak to her the more they like. Funny she goes overseas to clean up the mess that