
When Beyonce performs at the super bowl do her fans whine that she isn’t given a super bowl ring? It seems like they throw a fit whenever some sort of prize is up for grabs and she doesn’t get it.

It would take two-thirds of the Senate to impeach. She should know that but Princess Sparkle Pony isn’t one for details.

Seriously. The “progressives”(read: “Bernie Folks”, read OUT LOUD: “NINA TURNER, KILLER Mike and at least one other”*) got us into this mess. Susan Sarandon is musing on moving to Baja with the rest of the rich white folks; Nina’s edgeless ass is still trolling around Bumfuck, Ohio looking for a damn job(or someone

InYu may want to climb down off your[moral]high horse before you get a nosebleed...

I was hoping for a comment like this. This has been reported elsewhere but the headline was the same, misleading. However, after reading what actually happened, it made sense for him to threaten to pull out. It is sad that this is the narrative but it is doing just as planned because people are falling for it. I

To all the idiots defending this nutbag (see what I did there?!), if you think this is an appropriate parental response you should not have children.
Furthermore, if you think it was an appropriate parental decision to get your child with nut allergies a “peanut power plus” smoothie you should be arrested for child

100% the latter. He was screaming right in Ringo’s ear hole and pointing at the ground.

But hey, purists & novel thinkers such as Nina Turner, Killer Mike, and others, decided to take their collective “balls”(Nina doesn’t have any—despite that taper fade—& Mike hasn’t seen his since 7th grade) & go home...or worse follow the advice of a rich and privileged Hollywood white woman with NO SKIN in the game

What’s legitimate? You’re supposed to use fire extinguishers to smash windows of government buildings and then take selfies with the smiling cops inside.

This is one strategy where the Right always manages to stuff the Left in a locker. The Right has always understood the value of grassroots action and downballot and local elections. Our side would rather spend all day tweeting at and about Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema when they should be looking at school boards,

Nikki supported her pedophile brother, no? Then followed that with marriage to her sexual assaulting piece of “man”?

Is this really a surprise from the man who, on 9/11 as the buildings were falling (from explosives planted inside the 3 buildings that fell into their own footprint - but only 2 planes hit 2 buildings but I digress) stated “well I guess I have the tallest building in New York now”? I’m pretty sure that he is on the

Now playing

Paul Mooney said it best. It’s easy when it’s a black criminal. Throw him under the jail but when it’s a white criminal It’s always complicated.

I mean, tough shit. The vaccine is free. Everybody of every race, class and demographic is getting it. They’ve given 4 billion shots worldwide.

The money has been distributed. It’s being held up by state and local governments but hey, taking pics for social media clout and stunting on the stairs is way more fun than actually legislating or trying to work with the people in their own states and districts to get the money disbursed.

I’ve been saying it for some time. It is a perfectly logical thing to feel, say, and hope for.

“We’re celebrating black freedom by trying to free YOU from a big down payment! Get yourself into a 2021 Mitsubishi Eclipse for no money down!”

“Be vewwy vewwy quiet. I’m hunting Babbits.”

America’s Mayor 9/11 *who also helped bring down the mob in NYC in the 80's*, which absolutely floored me when I learned about this—back then that was as brave as the Italian prosecutors who chase Italian mafiosos because they don’t fuck around, they will try to kill you without hesitation. 20 years later he’s a