I'd much rather see a full iPad version of StarCraft. Smell the opportunity, Blizzard.
I'd much rather see a full iPad version of StarCraft. Smell the opportunity, Blizzard.
@illegaloperation: Money won't buy love (or cool), but Microsoft will burn boatloads of it trying to get both. Unsuccessfully, I predict. And why does everyone think that Microsoft being competitive in a market is a good thing? Doesn't anyone know the history of Microsoft over the past 20 years? I think the…
StarCraft won't interest me again until I see an iPad version. Are you listening, Blizzard?
@Brookespeed: The problem is much of that weight is from the large battery that gets you that "magical" 10-hour use. No one wants a plastic screen (which would be slightly lighter), ditching the aluminum body for plastic wouldn't save much weight and you don't want to downsize the battery and kill that key selling…
@bobbobato: Sounds like *someone* wasn't reading the Web the day the iPad was announced...
WWBD? (What Would Ballmer Drive?)
Meanwhile, Android devs can use volume buttons to activate malware. Unfettered Android market FTW!
What takes longer, waiting for a PS3 update to download or waiting for Microsoft to ship you back your repaired-yet-again Xbox 360?
This dude is either 1) Steve Ballmer's son, 2) an Engadget commenter, or 3) both.
Thanks for pushing the lame Utah stereotype, dillweed.
I wish people would stop acting like Google is a crusader for good and recognize it for what it is: a business trying to increase profits. Which is not a bad thing, but they're NOT your best friend/secret lover no matter what you believe.
@dcdttu: Dude, Android beat iPhone in US sales in the *iPhone's slowest sales quarter* (the one preceding the release of the new model) and is still a far cry from catching up to all the iPhones sold thus far.
When are people going to wake up and smell the reality about Courier? It was a frakkin multimedia demo, people, not an actual product!!! Geez, I could have put that demo together myself. Building a viable product though? A whole different animal.
@AndroidTeamStrike: "why would you ever want to buy anything from this company again?"
Microsoft fanboy flames Apple fanboys before heaping praise on unreleased Microsoft product. News at 11.
Getting a little tired of all the "iPhone breaks if you drop it" FUD. Newsflash: OTHER SMARTPHONES WITH GLASS SCREENS BREAK WHEN YOU DROP THEM TOO! Sheesh.