
What a piss poor comparison...

I’m normally on the ACAB side, but I’m really struggling to be displeased with what the cop did here.

Don’t care what everyone’s answer is. This is a great question, one of the better ones asked on this forum.

You should try closing you finger in the door of a 75 Monte Carlo.

The fact that it’s currently the most popular post on the site would beg to differ.

That is a little suspicious.

I know this is a hot take, will generate controversy, and will doubtlessly cost me many friends and allies, but I find Ted Cruz to be a viscerally unpleasant person.

There’s an asterisk that this doesn’t apply to flights form Texas to Cancun. 

HP lets me down every day at work, it should be no surprise they let me down here.

“A local businessman took his love of Talking Heads a little too far, burning down several homes.”

I’ll put you in my will

Love your responses in this thread.  You do you, my man.

Dear Elmo,

If I lay off everyone, I won’t have to pay any salaries at all.

The Police recommended against tracking down and taking back your own vehicle, but when asked if they would do anything to recover a vehicle for a citizen, even if they were presented with proof of ownership and tracking details, they said, “hahahhaha, No. Why would we do that?”

If only something from his piss-poor diet would take the fucker out. Like a McNugget gets lodged in his throat or something.

Just yelling in to the void. But man, this shit is getting real. As in- there are many indications that this fat fuck could win the election. And if he does- we are all fucked. At this point its clear the Supreme Court will side with whatever he does each and every time. There is seemingly somehow nobody or no law

Wasn’t Santino also the same twat who made racist comments about his own teammate?

tRump is an idiot and a traitor.  So is anyone that still supports him.