
He better sober up. He has an interview with the next county over in a few days.

He then reportedly pulled his gun out, forcing the officer whose car he just hit to draw his gun as well, before Montalvo eventually dropped it."

this is the worst opinion i’ve ever read

Hey everyone, it’s that guy!

Did someone piss in your cheerios again?

Fuck this clown. Aside from his lack of remorse, he also claimed he accidentally discharged the weapon a 2nd time (the shot that killed the girl) because he tripped on some nails on his deck.

Netflix / Drive to Survive producers:

Remember when this site would have had an unmodified vehicle pic to compare? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Its nOt An AsAuLt RiFlE!

I disagree with most of Brad’s opinions, but I am still entertained none the less.

Jalopnik was better before Gawker bought it.

Maybe toss a gator in the ring with him while we’re at it.

I have a better idea. Wait until about mid-August, then rope off the intersection and make him scrub that shit off on his hands and knees with a toothbrush. Provide copious quantities of rotten tomatos for onlookers to do what they please with. I would make the trip to participate. THEN lock his ass up for 10 days to

I’ve met some absolutely psychotic rightwing Gen Zers. They have drank deep of the antiLGBTQ koolaid.

A 19-year-old

Talk to your doctor, there’s more effective treatments for micropenis than jacked up full sized pickup.

I am shocked, just shocked, at Mr. Tiny Penis’ choice of vehicle.

Fucking bigots. If colours painted on a street offend you, you need professional help.

Unless it was a really, really good one.