
Four decent choices? What’s happening to this site?!?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen the interior of an Avanti. Pretty cool for its time.

What’s worse than a sovereign citizen? One who puts his sovereign citizen wife on speaker phone because she’s in charge!

I’m confused. Is this a plug-in hybrid? I thought the ICE powered the electric motors and charged the depleted batteries.

Where I live, electricity is cheaper than the premium gasoline required by our PHEV. We drive in electric mode whenever possible.

Counterpoint: left-foot braking is a terrible idea for average drivers. I’m often behind a vehicle that accelerates away from a stop sign or traffic light with the brake lights still lit. If you ride that brake pedal, no one will know when you’re actually braking.

The first car: Benz Patent Motor Car 1886

Fuck Chris Brown

I like it, but I don’t like it for $78k! If I had that to spend, there would be a later 997 Porsche 911 in my garage.

Went on vacation to Italy this summer, and the people taking selfies were absolutely ridiculous. They would put on the biggest show for the camera then walk away with a blank face. They were way more interested in themselves than the history. I can’t imagine their friends and family wanna see 200 pictures of them in

“Mishap” seems like a really nonchalant term to describe the loss of a $100m aircraft.

A “minor gash” in her head. Wut?

This! My wife wanted to go electric for environmental benefits but had major range anxiety. She usually drives 10-20 miles per day to and from work and maybe some errands on the weekend, but she occasionally makes 250 miles trips to see family. We settled on an Audi Q5 PHEV, and I installed a 40A outlet in the garage

The Chevy design team needs to Find New Roads®

Subaru is the answer.

That wood trim is a crime against humanity!

I like that idea if it’s a E63. Another option: