Personally, I hope they keep the name. It adds character and tradition, as well as shedding light on a great ethnic heritage of the world. And I say this not only as an individual, but also as a fellow high school sports fan, proud Southern Californian, and athletic director of the Encino Airstrikes.
Anti-vax people are assholes. There are a certain percentage of children who cannot get vaccinated because of allergies and various medical issues and thus rely on herd immunity to prevent contracting shit like the mumps and measles. Not only are the anti-vaxers putting their own kids' at risk, they're putting these…
Did you actually read the story?
6) How many bats do you own? 2
I like when Deadspin commenters turn into Joan Rivers on the red carpet. The kit's fine. Beats those candy cane uniforms.
Not shown: the khaki cargo shorts.
If one of the players is murdered and their corpse appears on CSI, One Nation. One Team. will be real touching. And then where will you be?
My father had a few rules for us growing up:
That looks like the trailer for the last 128 Nicolas Cage movies.
They don't make movies about teams that have easy roads to travel.
Kurt Cobain, good weather, Robinson Cano's career.
(opens envelope)
"Things that go to Seattle to die."
I wouldn't say she'd be "missing it" Bob
It's also not the Hall of Oates.
My wife is a Cobb County teacher. We have only had one year out of the last 5 that she was paid for all 190 days she is contracted for.
On the other side of things, the county is baseball crazy. The Braves know what they are doing. We purchase more tickets than anywhere else in metro area, and youth baseball is…
Again, I really hate this move. I've been going to Braves games for 30 years, and unlike a lot of people in the Atlanta suburbs, I like coming into town. I always have. That being said, "Baseball is an urban game" is just a really dumb sentence to write.
Hey, remember that Aaron Hernandez smoked some weed in college and then MURDERED someone. Its pretty clear that Mathieu was on a straight-line path to murdertown, and he should thank god and weed rehab for his redemption.