I’ve got 18 more recommendations for episodes to watch.
They still don’t have the full rights.
Nintendo and Koei Tecmo made it, that’s why.
lol no babe
I was going to say the very low tech and still very MCU-influenced Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 turned out a lot better as well and had a lot of real banger DLC characters.
It’s always a shame when these projects get the C&D hammer dropped on them, but really...You’re making something with the IP of a major corporation that has a long, and well known history of shutting down projects like this. Would it really be that bad to just suck it up, and make it play the same, with different…
Hm. For a bit, recently, I’ve been on the “IW wasn’t really good” train. I’m wrong.
But my real question is why don’t people complain about Thor’s worthless side quests in the same way they do about Rose and Finn’s in The Last Jedi?
One of Infinity War’s great tricks is that it has these awesome big damn hero moments sprinkled throughout the movie, and then it just brutally subverts all of them minutes later. Wanda descends from above to save Nat using her awesome powers!...and then it turns out that’s exactly what the bad guys want, because it…
Because Thor’s side quest was more interesting?
There’s so much I love about this film (Thor’s entrance is one, Cap’s is another and the interplay between Stark, Strange and Parker is fantastic) but one of my absolute favourite bits is that ending. The notion of Thanos being the protagonist makes the film really interesting and it’s highlighted there. Try listening…
You’ll get over it.
A regular strong guy who defeated both Hulk and Thor.
But Apex legends is just another take on the Battle Royale genre, you can’t really criticize Fortnite for doing it and give Apex a pass.
Old enough to remember Doom clones. This isn’t a new phenomenon and Fortnite isn’t unique for copying fun game mechanics or gameplay.
The problems with TLJ run FAR, FAR DEEPER than overt flirtations with wokeness and purposely trashing whatever narrative momentum was established in TFA.
The biggest problem with Star Wars is the completely clueless tone given by the director.
Let me just take the final scene: in the cave where the Rebel Force has been…
I don’t care how many people I piss off with this hot take, I’m gonna do it:
The P2W is really overrated. It can make you a little better, but it’s not going to turn the tide of any fight unless you’re playing at the highest levels.
So her suit claims that Disney has red in its ledger?