
I don’t think Capcom really knows what to do with Jill at the moment. There was definite backlash from a vocal minority of fans for her R3make portrayal (I found her more realistic as a person when she wasn’t shrugging off rockets) but Capcom basically killed her ‘waifu’ status to some by giving her an actual

But RE has always been about twists.

Can’t really say I felt the same. Resident Evil always tries to be clever, sometimes too much for its own good, but I feel this one comes off well, and the tone of this game was reminiscent to most people, including myself, of RE4. I’d say that 7 was more off tone than Village, but even then was a good RE game.

I like how even his team “shits” on him later on and criticizes him that he should have told Ethan everything. Its nice that they show (at least a bit) that he isnt the flawless hero but someone with his flaws.

Chris is pretty suspicious of Ethan for most of the game thinking that he’s been corrupted by Miranda. He definitely still has some unresolved issues from previous Umbrella dealings though

Funny you mention that.  Prior to release me and my friends kept calling him Peter Stormare Guy.

I doubt Ethan would so willingly try to kill the monster that’s clearly a representation of his daughter Rose. I see your point but I disagree that it’s the “worst” example of pidgeonholing, since it’s a change-of-pace chapter after scraping through Castle Dimitrescu.

Now playing

Anybody else get the same vibes as the original concept for Resident Evil 4? Especially the dolls.

Soon as I saw still images of that baby monster thing, I was instantly reminded why I don’t play games like Resident Evil.

1000000000000000000000000% this.

Having played every RE since the original, the vast majority of them multiple times and across multiple platforms, and being utterly obsessed with the series for many, many years (I’ve played Survivor and Dead Aim easily a dozen times each, for Christ sake) I feel I’m qualified to say

I give the baby a “I really don’t want to look at this” out of 10. I’m doing a second complete-some-challenges run and when I reached the baby part my heart still sank even when I knew what’s up. Good job on Capcom for getting right the feeling even with repeat playthroughs.

The baby didn’t bother me that much. I’m deeply, truly terrified of dolls. The last segment of that area where you’re SURROUNDED by hundreds of twitching, giggling dolls had me completely and utterly paralyzed. I died 4 times just because I couldn’t bring myself to navigate the house.

Now playing

Hell, he gave himself to us freely. (And it should probably count for something that he went through the relative pain in the ass of becoming a citizen to do it, too.)

But I expect many people are going to be reminded that a lot of Mass Effect 1 is uh.. clunky. That game had the grenade button mapped to the back button on Xbox 360. It was a different era.

I’d pick it up if they actually bothered to bring back ME3 multiplayer. Pass

Didn’t they steal his baby daughter? As far as reasons for breaking into a castle go you could probably do a lot worse.

I can’t be the only one who loved Western zombie action games like The Last of Us and State of Decay 2 who reads this review and says “Nah that sounds too fucking weird, I’ll pass”.

Lmao, fucking Piers.

Ha ha yeah I thought the exact same thing while reading it and then immediately got mad at myself for knowing this information.

The franchise’s eighth main installment in everything but name