We love it unabashedly. Play it a few times per month, which is good for our gaming time, and also suck at it but play on and on!
We love it unabashedly. Play it a few times per month, which is good for our gaming time, and also suck at it but play on and on!
I think the only late night comedian who could have adequately handled this job would have been Jon Stewart.
I’m sorry, are you seriously trying to fucking argue that the fact that not all African-Americans were held in slavery or legally treated as second class citizens when George Washington was elected means that the United States doesn’t have a long and vicious history of racism? What, because not every single African…
This show’s plot around Karli didn’t work very well, but Sam tackling with what it means to be a Black Captain America was given lots of time to breathe throughout the 6 episodes. Sort of wish Karli was removed and it was just Sam, Bucky and Sharon coping with their own trust and mistrust of the country they serve…
It’s cool that Sam will be taking up the shield but, at the most basic level, how will his performance stack up against Steve’s when he has to fight without the super serum? I’m not much of a Marvel fan and deplore violence but it was fun to watch Steve jump out of a plane with only his shield and carry out some…
Yeah, but nearly 2 decades after getting 61 out of 63 platinum medals, I’m ready for the next generation.
I´ve always been partial to his talk with Steve the nigh before the procedure: “This is why you were chosen. Because a strong man, who has known power all his life, will lose respect for that power. But a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows compassion.”
Right I was trying to remember the exact line about the “good man.” But yeah from the start John was clearly marked as the antithesis of pre-serum Steve. John IS a perfect soldier and was physically extraordinary even before taking the serum. It goes back to Lemar’s line that the powers just make you more of who you…
I know you’re making a joke, but it’s a reference to when a giant mech used a giant sword to stab into the head of a giant monster which turned into a giant skeleton after it died. Lots of giant stuff that season.
Stanley Tucci’s Dr. Erskine is curious why a shrimpy little kid is so desperate to join the war effort, and he tests Steve by asking if he’s just really eager to kill Nazis. Steve says no, he doesn’t want to hurt anybody. “I just don’t like bullies,” he says. “I don’t care where they’re from.”
“The show’s argument, on the other hand, is that John didn’t really become a bad Captain America until he killed a man with the shield in broad daylight.”
But seriously, *the show itself* is committed to arguing that “Steve’s legacy” is the man himself, not the title, or the shield, or the serum.
I think they did stop to consider that Steve was wrong. Bucky apologized to Sam because neither he nor Steve understood how much harder it was for a Black man to wield the shield and be accepted as Captain America. It was one of my favorite scenes of the entire series.
This. A zillion times this.
I think I fundamentally disagree that Steve Rogers’s legacy should be an easy one to explain, as he was the greatest, swellest human being who ever lived and whose codename was literally Captain America. The inherent problem with that was once summed by a positive review which argued that Steve’s superpower was that…
“like why the U.S. government happily handed the shield over to a white guy rather than the Black man who deserved it”
They were stingy making a partnership with a major company like Nintendo. They’re not going to be any more inclined to partner with an independent comic book writer for a small percentage of the sale, especially when the sales likely won’t be that much.
I think the reason those movies took longer to come out was Ike Perlmutter, who used to run Marvel Studios. He was very famously against any movie with black and/or female lead and butted heads with Feige all the time. Once Disney removed him and cemented Feige’s place at the head of the studio, he was finally free…
Absolutely agreed. So good.