I wish people wouldn’t speak in code so much.
I wish people wouldn’t speak in code so much.
I get that but then why toss out vague accusation? You’re still accusing them, if the person being accused has power they’re still going to take it out on you. You’re basically still protecting them while putting a target on yourself.
Kumail Nanjiani got weirdly roided up
Kumail booked a Marvel movie and spent the pandemic chillin’ with his wife. Don't lump him in with Sex Offender Alley because he works out. Who cares if he used PEDs? He didn't hurt anyone.
A fucking men to this. Read the entire Fraction run and pipe down. How dare this man insult something that brought both Gil (Hey! Hawkguy!) and Pizza Dog/Lucky complete with a John Wick mission to go rescue him. Haters gon’ hate.
From everything I’ve read, he’s taken a very active role in coordinating and managing the franchise. And if you compare it to just about any other franchise in pop culture... DC’s movies, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, the Marvel TV shows that were getting managed by Jeph Loeb, whatever. He’s clearly doing something…
And we can look to the DC and Star Wars franchises to see what happens when that piece is missing. Each of those franchises have their high points, but they definitely lack the cohesiveness that (regardless of what they may be claiming now) they were going for.
I’d say he’s more the Steve Jobs. He doesn’t actually make anything, but he knows how to put together the things that other people make into the best possible whole.
i certainly never had a problem with its looks
An excellent demonstration of art style being more important than tech specs
Seriously, what is the point of this $h!t? Who watches this stuff?! Are the viewers’ lives so pathetic that they have to “live” vicariously through someone else (who also seems to be nothing)? Why are people watching a dude sleep and shower?!! If you’re gonna waste your life like that, at least plug into the Matrix so…
I just can’t get into TCW series.
I’m looking forward to watching it and yeah, I’m talking out my ass here since I haven’t seen it yet, but after season one, the CG Clone Wars became -so good-, and I have a hard time believing this could exceed that. Especially given how little material it has compared to the 8(or so - the math gets weird) seasons for…
FNL is not just good, it’s great.
They’re definitely cheesy and corny. I might find them inauthentic if I didn’t know people just like that.
Watch Friday Night Lights. You won’t regret it.
A TMNT Musou title would kick ass.
If that’s the best thing about them, then they are indeed piles of bullshit.
To be more accurate, Wanda gave up her fantasy life that she created out of whole cloth where she was imprisoning the entire town of people in a living nightmare. And she only did that after first refusing to do it when she realized it would destroy her fantasy simulacroms to do so. Wanda does not exactly come…