
So...the Switch?

I believe you meant “hardware firepower”. But anyway, Nintendo has never been on the expensive console side of the market so your statement is wrong right off the bat.

The switch is already one of the top selling consoles of all time.

The dealer is no longer under the same ownership. Its still there though but under a different name. But It wouldn’t make sense to name the dealer now as it would do a disservice to the current dealership and some could imply that they were the ones that did it. Were they still around I would most definitely name them

Ever Crisis is EXACTLY the way i want to re-experience these games, and I am super excited for it.

My sister at 9 was definitely left watching me at 3. This was '80, '81, and she did it for years. Some kids grow up faster than others because they have to. They shouldn't be underestimated.

I think I was 6 or 7 when my parents started leaving me home alone. Hungry? Whip-up a box of Mac ‘n Cheese or make a sandwich. Bored? Watch TV or go ride your bike. Surviving as a kid isn’t exactly rocket-science. Here in NC, having your 9-year-old taking care of their younger siblings is the norm.

I’m Gen-X and was left alone by myself or with another kid my age often so that my mom could work. I was also around 8. 

Making a weekend’s worth of food in four hours is more than “work”. My $.02.

I love how this show plants its seeds so masterfully, I go diving back into Marvel comics lore to parse out what the hell is going on, and they prey on that with misdirection for those who know their House of M, etc. WandaVision has got me so delightfully into Pepe Silvia conspiracy mode that I don’t know how I lived

This show proves the Netflix model is terrible. Other streaming services tried it and many have moved away from it thankfully, after they realized that all it does is kill the conversation, hype, and buzz for a TV series.

You are engaging in revisionist history if you claim you didn’t want motion controls for this game (maybe only Faux Bravo is excused). A critique of Twilight Princess was how you weren’t really swinging a sword and were essentially just pressing the attack button by waggling the wiimote. So Nintendo said, “Fine,

Listen, I’m anti motion controls till I die. I have a tattoo about it across my forehead. Fight me.

Ya I reallllllly don’t get the hate this game gets.

Good ideas buried under hours and hours of bloat.

I really liked Skyward Sword, so I’m looking forward to it!

This game deserved better than its bad reputation. The art style worked well. It was full of great set piece moments, and I was a fan of the way it creatively reused its maps. It is far from perfect, and I’d love to see them take it apart and rebuild it, but I know that won’t happen...

I miss this weird, absurd era of the internet very much. When memes spread like, well, memes. I guess I’m old.

Also Billy and Tommy’s halloween costume is based on their outfits from the comics.