
How is this playlist supposed to serve as an uplifting ode to new beginnings? These songs are not about moving on from the past in general. They are all much more specifically about venting one’s resentment toward ex-lovers, with an exclusive emphasis on one gender’s point of view. This is really stupid and confusing,

Okay, I never heard any direct testimony to that effect. My inference was that Stana Katic wanted to do more indie films and the like and basically not draw Castle too far out, while Fillion wanted to keep riding that money train.

She was okay in the first season.  Second season she was really bad 

Honestly she was fun in season 1 but her season 2 appearances felt strained. Glad she is gone because she sucks in real life but her presence on the show won’t be missed 

He was dealing with bigger stars there.  

See, Ray? These are called details.

Earthbound and Mario RPG are 2 that are missing. 

I’m gonna be one of those people: What in the world are you talking about regarding Mario’s movement? I only have the WiiU version to base this on as of yet, but Mario (and the rest) were just as much a joy to control and run around as any Mario game. Sure, his move-set and everything is slightly different (as it is

Yet Wanda isn’t all powerful. Back in Westview, she and the boys search for Sparky, who’d gone missing. Agnes sadly informs them that Sparky got into her azaleas and is now dead.

Wanda stole Vision’s body nine days earlier and, Hayward claims, resurrected him, which violated Section 36 B of the Sokovia Accords.

Here is hoping that as you approach Sovereign on Eden Prime, the sky changes to the original ME look.  Maybe we are just seeing the “before” image.

I love the original Mass Effect trilogy and it is hands down one of my (if not THE) most beloved sci-fi properties ever.

To everyone complaining that Pinnacle Station won’t be added:

ME3 multiplayer is one of the rare times where a tacked on multiplayer mode in a traditionally single player series actually turned out to be really good (this was around the time when even God of War got multiplayer).

Except that it’s not part of the original game, it was DLC. Nobody looks at the storylines of Mass Effect and considered Pinnacle Station to be of any more note than a random sidequest from Hackett.

It was a watered down version of the combat sim introduced in ME3 Citadel, if I remember correctly.

ME3's multiplayer is the only anonymous online gaming that I ever enjoyed, and I was hooked. I played TONS of multiplayer to unlock all the weapons and characters. I’m tempted to reactivate my XBL sub and see how things are going...

I’m similarly disappointed. My wife, however, will be relieved. 

Having played it a few times I can say nothing of value is lost without it.  It was nice to level up your character in ME1 but since this game is designed to span three games now and the character progression is mapped to that, it means this isn’t needed. 

They can’t remaster it though.

I don’t think enough people remember how good the ME3 multiplayer was. I haven’t played in years but still remember those maps fondly.