
Hickman’s bits were unsurprisingly good, but there really is so much of that universe that is crap, yeah.


That universe’s Blob literally cannibalizing the Wasp of that universe was pretty much it for me.

My 10 year old godson wanted to chat about the show today and I explained to him that both commercials represented something significant, if not borderline traumatic, that occured in Wanda’s life. The next commercials in the series should help clarify this trend, if it’s real. 

It’s no coincidence that the first two commercials were Stark and Strucker.

The set in episode one was practically a duplicate of the Dick Van Dyke Show set.

We’ve already seen S.W.O.R.D. in the MCU, assuming that’s what Nick Fury was doing behind the scenes in the last Spider-Man film.

Just checking: Did anyone else notice that the light on the Stark toaster was red? I think they aimed for subtle and got it.

Witch in the comics could manipulate reality itself. Is this what we’re seeing?”

We have gone a full year without any additions to the MCU.  I will take all the WandaVision I can get.

You missed an opportunity to have the list go directly from #4 to #2. It is the Half-Life universe, after all, where no number exists between those two.

Ah, but you see, Nintendo is popular! If you hate something popular, that means you’re a free-thinking rebel, not like those sheep, who like popular things!

This is a nothingburger. He made a render that is almost identical to the one used for the Super Mario Run icon. He put work into it sure, but it’s not like he created some new concept that was ripped off. And I doubt that render was built from scratch.

Microsoft: *proposes buying Nintendo*
Nintendo: *laughs uproariously*
Microsoft: *slinks back across 520, sits in office, sulks*
Nintendo’s laughter: *continues to echo across Redmond for hours and hours and hours*

Samus in Gears of War would just be a 3 hour campaign where Marcus and crew suddenly find out they have 10 minutes to evacuate the planet because a space-faring bounty hunter bulldozed her way through all the opposition solo, killed the alien leadership, found a terrorist cell of space pirates, killed all of them and

A low point that they made a profit on. And not a -minor- profit ether.

You’re totally dismissing the Game Boy, which in 2000 was the best selling video game console of all time (or if not very close to the top), and Pokemon. If that was Nintendo’s lowest point ever, it was still pretty damn high.

Nintendo did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Nintendo’s first priority is great games. Microsoft’s first priority is to shareholders. Microsoft would have ruined Nintendo. 

Nintendo has even said in the past when asked if they had a choice between going out of existence and working under another that they would chose the former every single time. And the reasons you state have also been echoed by them.