
AC: Valhalla doesn't hold a candle to Ghost of Tsushima. 

I’ve heard nothing but gushing about Ghost of Tsushima since it came out, so I’m pretty surprised to not see it get more recognition. I haven’t played it, so I have no opinion, but it just sounded like everyone loved it.

13 Reasons Why went out on a whimper (and probably lasted 3 seasons longer than it should have), but their final year did produce one standout episode, “Thursday” which was about a school shooting. If nothing else, the show never shied away from bold, risky choices. Putting the viewer in those classrooms, effectively

I understand why people are upset with Nintendo, and especially the modding/Melee stuff, they’ve got a point. But regardless of the cause, selling items for money jeopardizes the company’s trademarks. I’m not trying to be insensitive, and I know the people behind it were coming from a good place, but putting

You can groom someone over the internet.

I mean, considering a lot of child actors we hear of end up fucked later in life, yeah. Regardless, Fortnite might be huge now but betting that much on a kid that probably can’t even understand or consent to what he’s getting into and might not even play Fortnite by the time he’s old enough to play competitively, just

Child actors go to auditions and don't think they are just playing with their friends 

The team might not be doing anything wrong and it might be perfectly legal but everything about this is 100% sketchy as fuck. Nothing about this seems right. The kid has a YouTube account. They’re trying to make merchandise off him. He’s motherfucking E I G H T! ! ! At least scout some fucking middle schoolers.

This is a signed work contract, and this child is making money- thus it is child labor, thus should be illegal. If it isn’t, it damn well should be.

If he’s being paid to do it, it’s work. Being paid is literally the difference between being an amateur and being a pro. Amateurs typically don’t have contracts with things like revenue sharing from YouTube channels in them.

This has not always been the case, however. According to Gallagher, members of the team began playing with Deen two years ago, when he was only 6. For a while, Deen thought he was squadding up with regular friends he’d made online. In reality, they were testing his mettle to see if he’d be a good fit for their nascent

. . . Tha’ FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

The fuck!?!

Plus his dad is Darth Vader!

Imagine that... Paying for a game and then having to play the game to unlock stuff on the game! Crazy, right?

TBF, Baby is at least more interesting as a concept than fucking “The Super Saiyan God” or “Super Saiyan Blue” variants of whomever is available in the game rn.

Baby is a major antagonist from Dragon Ball GT, the much-maligned Dragon Ball Z successor that has mostly been erased from canon by Dragon Ball Super.

Dragonball has a canon, it’s “the manga”. GT was never canon, and if it was, it technically wouldn’t be retconned because Super is before the ending scene of DBZ.


Baby was actually a pretty decent villain. His whole stance being that his race was destroyed by Saiyans and seeks revenge through control and recreating his planet and race.