This. Is. Good. Kinja. The Kinja I crave.
This. Is. Good. Kinja. The Kinja I crave.
As a college professor I can only speak from my experience and here it is: trigger warnings are used by students mainly as a way of getting out of work or for not having to read literature that they don’t want to. In legit cases (such as a veteran fresh from Afghanistan who didn’t want to watch a segment of Band of…
oh, millenials are going to "fix" things. can't wait for that.
I can’t believe the Bosa and the Chargers are at this point, and all over offset language and his terrible facial hair (probably).
Does Rich Nichols think the US Soccer Federation is a branch of the government?
Leave it to an abuser to not handle getting beat.
And, you know, that’s reasonable. Everyone isn’t going to be a fan of Leslie Jones but jesus christ, what is wrong with people who think an invasion of privacy and terrorizing someone online is the appropriate response? What happened to saying hey not my thing, or here’s a critique of her work and then dropping it?
I’m not a Leslie Jones fan. I believe she perpetuates stereotypes and her whole shtick makes my skin crawl as a woman of color. That said, no one deserves this kind of treatment and everyone has the right to privacy.
I personally hate these kill reward based systems. It’s basically the developer saying “Hey, you are better then the other players. Let’s make it even easier for you.”
He said “so every other play didn’t end with a shredded ligament.” Why don't YOU try some reading comprehension?
You gotta have those tires properly inflated.
melting a slice of crappy american cheese on unfrosted blueberry or strawberry is the real #1.
Cease and Desist in 3..2..1
It’s more of a matter that they can’t put him in a match with anyone without burying them. People like Cena, Taker, and Orton can take a big loss. But feed Cesaro, Owens, Wyatt for a loss would just damage those characters. There are matches to be had, but Lesnar would have to either lose, or actually have a…
Take the character out of that screenshot and it looks near-identical to Skyward Sword. Which I’d bet is no coincidence!