So you’re telling me I should stop trying to get my SNES controllers to work with my N64?
So you’re telling me I should stop trying to get my SNES controllers to work with my N64?
I laughed wwaayy too damn hard from this.
God, I wish this was coming to Switch; it looks fantastic.
You guys are drunk today. Smash Bros. Melee as a platformer? Only one person has SMB3 and no Super Mario World?
I’m still sad that site doesn’t work anymore.
I believe he lives in a converted barn in the UK.
Graham Norton is my favorite chat show since Craig left CBS; he’s a natural at getting his guests to feel relaxed, and he does a fantastic job blending all his guests’ stories together. That, and the Red Chair is hilarious.
Corden is an annoying try-hard of the highest order. Almost 180 degrees opposite of what Craig brought, which is probably what CBS wanted after 10 years.
I miss the everloving shit out of Craig Ferguson. And Geoff. The second-to-last episode where Josh Robert Thompson came out and got introduced to the crowd was fantastic.
Yea, that’s not what you said, though.
Are the Far Cry games connected by storyline?
Awful broad brush you’re painting with, no?
(Don’t be pedantic, don’t be pedantic, don’t be pedantic, don’t be pedantic).
In a turn of irony, mine just started doing this this weekend. It’s a launch Switch, though; I do think they have tweaked the design since launch.
Either her downtilt or uptilt (I can’t remember ATM) is a reflector, though, so you still can counter projectiles.
The ARMs developer asked for Min Min specifically.
Sounds like it’s a gratuitously violent Halo 2.
I saw this as a big Smash fan, but
I squealed.
Going from RE4 Leon to RE6 Leon was a bit jarring for me; the VA change wasn’t awful as Matt Mercer did his best Paul Mercier impression, but the visuals were offputting.