
The first four games (0 through 3) establish a fairly solid narrative surrounding the mansion and Raccoon City. 4 is legit campy, but fantastic. 5 is where the wheels start to fall off and 6 is an utter mess. 

Capcom’s insistence on redesigning (and recasting VA roles) with almost every other game in the series really makes it hard to get immersed in this universe, no matter how batshit crazy the story and timeline becomes.

Pretty much this. It was fun for a Saturday afternoon watch with my daughters, and that’s it. 

I think my favorite reaction was “Bulls On Parade was just about the mid-90s Chicago Bulls”. 

Rule of Dowd means this is really a B. 

Now playing

I’d spend $5 more and just get Super Mega Baseball 3:

I’d spend $5 more and just get Super Mega Baseball 3:



I absolutely love the Mass Effect trilogy, and I cope with the ending of ME3 by playing the Citadel DLC after finishing the main story, and using headcannon.

I really, really, really wish they had made Secret of Mana playable online. 

I really, really, really wish they had made Secret of Mana playable online. 

Most importantly: not use them. 

Dear Nintendo:

Where do we sign on to stop the shit out of this? 

Alright, two things aside from the obvious about this story:

I went to see this on a first date and we were two out of three people in the entire theater. Thankfully, it was so, so shitty that I spend the entirety of it talking to my date, and that first date would turn into 5 years of marriage and two awesome kids.

One of those is a 2x4 painted black. 

Malarkey annoys the shit out of me, and he should have been gone weeks ago, but Gregory picking him as FoH was a damned inspired choice. It’s incredibly easy to see how Malarkey has opened 19 restaurants in his time; that shit is right up his alley.

A broken clock is right twice a day. 

Because it’s exploitation of a children.