
Easy fix: ban that shit, too.

Ah, one of those people. 

With it being May the 4th Be With You soon, I’m debating a purchase of Jedi Academy on Switch. I loved Outcast back in the day, and this one looks fancier and with online multiplayer. 

Ok, Boomer. 

Some of us like to be surprised. 

It’s been on sale on Switch for a couple of weeks now, too. 

I’m thinking about picking this up, too. It’s one of my black holes of gaming. 

I have to add The Messenger to this. It’s the raddest game I’ve played in a long time. It’s also challenging, but not back breaking, and low-key incredibly funny. 

It sounds like you’re more of a superfan than most of us.

Just flag every one of their posts and make the mods do their jobs. 

...the fuck did this come from? 

I mean, if RT was the end-all, be-all of film criticisms, you’d have more of a point. 

The amount of attention this article is getting on social media certainly is something. 

This move to slides instead of pages is the most blatant way to get clicks I think I’ve ever seen here. 

I’ll be the pedantic one and remind you of Super Mario Land and Super Mario Land 2: 6GC

Frozen: The Second

I mean, the Fire Flower is right there...

....contrition? I did not expect that. 

At the risk of opening this particular box up, it’s just finishing the job that The Last Jedi started. 

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