A Classy Thomas Newman score

Exactly. I think she is a beacon of hope, a beacon of ferocity, to look to when one needs encouragement. It’s ok to go down fighting and criticizing the system. Because it is very ripe for criticism, obviously.

If only a few of the Democrats who have worn ass-grooves into their seats in congress had half of her fire...

Let’s all remember that his actual name is Jumbo Jr., and Dumbo is an insulting nickname everyone calls him. So those kids really seem like jerks for using it so casually.

I’m already annoyed by the kids, and the trailer isn’t even two and a half minutes. I don’t think I can get through the whole movie.

Did- did anyone expect anything else? I saw the words “Dumbo” and “Tim Burton” in the same sentence and thought, “Welcome to the Uncanny Valley. Do not enjoy your stay.”

“...and from the hat collection of Johnny Depp”.

“From the imagination of Tim Burton comes this remake”

“from the imagination of Tim Burton” stopped being a selling point 20 years ago

Is there a simultaneous barf-and-eye-roll emoji?

Well bless my stars! Who could have seen THIS coming?!

*looks through article in a very discriminate manner*

The 2020 race started on inauguration day. Trump never did stop hosting rallies did he? And he’s already got his “campaign” going as money laundering front and slush fund.

They’re shutting down a system they deliberately broke just to curry favor from the most evil corners of our society by claiming it doesn’t work anymore.

I give medicare two years on the outside.

I don’t think I can ever forgive anyone that took part in the destruction of our country in 2016.

Bernie, they are uncomfortable because they don’t see Black Americans as equals. Because they’re racist. These midterms seemed to prove that racism works for many on the right. Because they’re racist.

Yeah, but, um, what about hillary’s emails?

I’m also reminded of the libertarians and the followers of Ayn Rand who said we just need to get a businessman/job creator to run the government and it would run perfectly.

I’ve said it before, but Trump is the living personification of white supremacy. People who support him now would openly support a nazi running the country, as long as he ‘owns the libs’. There are no ‘christians’ in Trump’s america, there are only people who follow him and his ego.

I hate him.

Man, my wife loves those games.

I never thought I’d be reading an expose into the mismanagement of ‘That Nancy Drew game company’.