A Classy Thomas Newman score

Nah communism is good and current actually — the upsurge of interest in socialism and leftist ideologies (very much including revolutionary socialism), especially amongst under-40s who didn’t grow up with the hysterical garbage propaganda of the Cold War era and whose experience of capitalism hasn’t been

“Fuck Nancy Pelosi,” protesters shouted, also calling the Democrats inside “comunistas” and “witches,” according to Miami Herald reporter Jimena Tavel.

This is fucking disgusting.

If they do realize, do you think they care?

Thank you Clinton’s for selling the democrat party to the corporations in the 90's

There’s nothing wrong with Democrats weeding out primary candidates who we don’t think have a shot at beating Trump in the general election.

Eh, cool, fine.

Democrats wouldn’t be surprised by him being that stupid. And to Republicans, that casual racism is a feature, not a bug.

“I get it. You wanted an Indian woman, but Elizabeth Warren failed her DNA test,” and, “actually, when the president found out that I was Indian-American, he asked if I was from the same tribe as Elizabeth Warren.”

The Saudis hosting an anti-terrorism summit is like McDonalds funding the American Heart Association.

Can we change the locks while he’s gone?

The WHCA really doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt, though.

Maybe it is time that the entire press corps bucks the fuck up and stops licking fascist boots for the privilege to uncritically spew their talking points “off the record.”

Don’t you all get that it doesn’t matter that the POTUS said it, people *cheered* for it. We’re so far beyond strongly worded tweeted responses and other forms of decorum. It is broken.

Some of the responses to that tweet are great. One person points out how the press corps is a bunch of cowards who never lay in to Sarah Sanders and really question her.

I’m with you in general about all the logistics, closing the loopholes, and how removing him wouldn’t actually fix the problem, and I DON’T think impeachment will ever happen, but I disagree with you on the idea that impeachment isn’t designed for this. If ever there was a REASONABLE case for impeachment, Trump fits

Here is the real threat - the GOP hold both houses and Mueller’s report never sees the light of day and/or is over-classified to the point of where by the time the Dems control anything, the statues of limitations and key witnesses are re-educated.

If Joe wanted to be President, he should have gone for it last time. He’d be in the Oval Office right now. By 2020, though, he will be approximately the same age as the moon.