A Classy Thomas Newman score

Centrists want to tear down any progressive whom is not on board with bombing Russia for denying HRC her birthright. Thank you for doing your part to keep the left demoralized, the oligarchy thanks you for your service.

“The era of the pajama boy is over” Sebastian Gorka.  

She is a private citizen putting her thumb on the scale of democratic politics. And every time she opens her mouth she makes things worse.

Hey, McResisters, explain this BS to me.

Jar Jar at least means well and always has Natalie Portman’s back.

Her statements there were her usual hubristic BS though.

What good is a bribe these days? If anyone should have job security it should be DeVos. She should have dump trucks of money lined up.

People look down their noses at the unambitious and to that I say: see Rex Tillerson. He was the CEO of Exxon at one point, and lost his new job on Twitter. As Homer would say, never try.

He comes across as deeply stupid.

Lately to be an ordinary citizen with something to say outside of orthodoxy is to be labeled a ‘Russian troll’ and a co conspirator with Susan Sarandon.  

As a gay man, and if I could become president, these championship photo ops would be the best part of the job. Just a giant stew of beefcakes to swim in.

Thomas Friedman is a public menace.

Bannon is an awful excuse for a human. He did campaign all out for a man no one said could win though. I believe Bannon was a critical factor getting Trump to win the EC; he was a true believer that HRC could be vanquished.

It is breathtaking that this trust fund baby of a trust fund baby sees herself as a striver who must overcome all odds. You don’t have obstacles to overcome, maybe on your worst day you may be momentarily inconvenienced. Take your lyrics and GTFO.  

If I think about how our rotting country is just bread and circuses to these media elite hacks for too long, I start seeing daggers. NYT will continue to hire David Brooks clones who have no problem selling their respective souls to fart out both siderism claptrap.

I love that man.

Jeff, we don’t care about your political future. I do want to know more about that time you went skinny dipping William F Buckley Jr.

My favorite tactic during the brainwashing on-boarding session is when the canard, “we are a family,” gets liberally sprinkled around. I really wish I could go back in time with the rejoinder, “I don’t let my family tell me when I can or can’t go to the bathroom.”

Blind obedience is how Chuck Todd makes a living. Of course he would want his children to follow suit.