I want him to live to see the NRA ground into ashes.
I want him to live to see the NRA ground into ashes.
Thank you! I loved when HRC was on her “It’s not my fault” tour in England. Everywhere she went no one hesitated confronting her that Bernie would have won. If you can’t stand the heat, then get the hell out of the kitchen.
“People buy into my agenda.” Marco Rubio.
In response, the Dem leadership proposes that the armed guards in you child’s elementary school will be woke and means tested. Vote Biden 2020.
Tom Perez manages the graphs and charts that say Hillary will definitely win the midwest in 2016.
The great refuge of the neo liberal synchophant. “Why won’t the leftists come out on droves to vote for the mediocrity in a suit. WHY?”
Yes, the old canard of ‘purity’ I bet in the same breath you scream that Bernie is not a real democrat.
They NEVER stand for ANYTHING! So they fall for everything.
My initial thought was, “if we live that long.”
No matter what you do Marco for the rest of your life, you will be the guy who lost a primary to Donald Trump.
They should have put bibs with Ivanka’s face on them to remind him be empathetic.
Trump supporters step right up and get your plan from your guy. He may throw in a steak if you grovel just right for daddy.
They just were enjoying the program and not trying to upstage the skaters; classy work.
Ivanka understands the poors can just sell lemonade to take care of child care costs.
I liked that other lady that was the announcer over the ice dancing program tonight.
T Lipinski is annoying and a try hard.
Still better than that Milf breast milk song.
Everyday I am reminded that in America rich trust fund babies like Trump have never faced any consequences for their behavior and never will. Customs, norms, and overall decency are for us poors. I hate this country.
NBC knows nothing.