A Classy Thomas Newman score

Dem voters love to make snide comments about the GOP base and its relationship with white surfer Jesus. However, Dem’s keep waiting for Aaron Sorkin and the cast of Hamilton to descend from the clouds and tell them how special they are for respecting the process and paying fealty to institutions. This is politics, not

“You are being really mean for no good reason, Katie!” Jon Favreau

You are dealing with people who believe Putin and Trump masterminded a genius strategy to deny Hillary her birthright. Had nothing to do with being an awful candidate widely hated by millions.

That is because the dems are not good at politicking.

Exactly, the #resistance is just failing desperate posturing by neo liberals to try and get the horse back in the barn.

Rinse and repeat. However, the dems have been absolutely useless combatting Trump so I expect we will just skip the return to a dem majority and go right to the fascism.

That’s right. the delusional who think they are just a lucky stroke form joining the 1% deserve to get it, good and hard. Ever heard of the petty tyranny of the professional class?

Let us just get this out of the way, the sexuality of Mike Pence is not important. Who cares what his sexuality is? What is important is that he has a valid policy stance to hurt and endanger the lives of LGBTQ people regardless of how he feels satisfied behind closed doors. Mike Pence articles always turn into these

Pod Save America is nothing more than Pod Save the Establishment. Just privileged speechwriters aka propagandists shilling centrism.   

Why does his sexuality matter? He wants to hurt gay people, that is all that is important.

These fail-children are going to get away with not paying taxes on their inheritance, FUCK THIS COUNTRY.

holy shit.

I have a really hard time with anything Ryan Murphy related. He doesn’t speak for all gay men.

It’s because we have seasonal affectedness disorder.

liquid corege.

Not everything bouncy is a trampoline, kids.

This is the warm up act for our Mad Max future, buckle up.

“I was just looking, promise!” Connor Barwin

Collinsworth only has room in his head for, “Here’s a guy who..”

It is on the coaches. Brady tore it up but the Eagles kept finding ways to win.