A Classy Thomas Newman score

I’d rather chew glass than see Booker take that spot.

No, I will forever blame the Clintons. She was a a horrific candidate and refuses to take responsibility for her part in this. She just points the finger at Russia and the FBI; she has never been a leader in her life, she just has sick cult of fans.

What on earth do you mean buy lowering themselves to the Republicans? At least the GOP actually does fight for something, of course they are evil things.

I used to listen to “Trumpcast” over there. Is that still on and if it is, any good still?

It was you, me, Susan Sarandon, Jill Stein, and Anthony Weiner.

*deep breath* I’m a gay man, I do not need an education on my material reality. Furthermore, LGBT people are not a deflection vest you throw on when you categorically refuse to engage in a critique of the elite structure of dem politics. It is same way I feel pandered to when leaders promise to not round us up in

It is not hair splitting to call out how corporate dem’s and their corrupt mouthpieces like Neera Tanden are going to get us all killed.

Everlasting virginity.

And, no, the corporate dem’s in the mold of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obamaand their mouthpieces on PSA and MSNBC won’t save you.

BREAKING NEWZ: Noted con man assembles a sham commission; more at 11.

Schumer should have his idiotic comments made during the 2016 election thrown at him everyday. He actually believed country club republicans would vote for Hillary. He is a fucking dangerous delusional idiot.

It follows the weeks Lady Bird Johnson and Carrie Fisher were in fat camp together.

I agree with Half In The Bag that Get Out felt like a fantastic premise for a Twilight Zone Episode stretched into a feature length film. A thoroughly enjoyable popcorn flick.

Michael K Williams should have just been fed ex’d all the awards ahead of schedule during that show’s tenure.

Things are just at such a bottomless well of stupidity that I figure; just build you stupid wall already.

The NFL just really sucks. That’s it.

At least the Seahawks missed the playoffs.

This is a completely ineffectual manifestation of a vital point: empty identity politics is not going to defeat the oligarchy which controls both political arms. It’s going to take a real class struggle, and tough shit, Oprah won’t save you.

Thank you. I don’t want an equal amount of male and female billionaires; I want a world without billionaires.

You have to remember a good number of these marchers are Hillary dead-enders whose biggest complaint about Trump is that they had to miss brunch to march.