A Classy Thomas Newman score

Sweet Potato Saddam got to look like a big boy signing his ‘kill the useless eaters’ bill in front of all the cameras, most likely got calls from all the evil tycoons telling him what a special big boy he is, and he is still not happy. Him and his base of rich white retirees screaming into their television sets are

I can’t wait. At this point, I’m rooting for Russia, or really anyone that is not the USA.

Fox news says the jerbs are just raining down.

HE IS GOING TO PIVOT SOON, GIVE HIM A CHANCE, WE MUST COME TOGETHER, HE IS GOING TO BECOME PRESIDENTIAL. Fuck every pundit who said that a year ago; a turd is a turd.

It is exactly what I would expect from someone physically attracted to Joe Scarborough.

And to all those who will start screeching about norms & customs when Mueller is dismissed, why do you still have any faith left in the apparatus and legitimacy of the state? No one went to jail over lying about weapons of mass destruction, and no one went to jail over the financial crisis. It is only liberty and

2/3 of that podcast is just those dude bro’s riffing on “we used to work for president Obama.” Just remember they called dem’s worried about Trump possibly winning bedwetters; such political instinct. Find some real leftists.

Maxinne Waters and a spread shutgun/ 2020.

The resistance is such a fucking joke.

They call the democratic party the big tent party, well we are all going to asphyxiate on the neo liberal farts of Schumer and Pelosi. Speaking of, I can’t stand Jezebel anymore, it is just an endless love fest for neo liberals and the whole ‘west wing’ culture that props it up and frankly, it is delusional and

Thank you! It takes some real gall to try and fool us with the statement she had no idea. Does she think we are complete idiots? She should never be allowed to live down her proclaiming Weinstein to be a deity.

A face that deserves to be pelted with rotten fruit.

Congrats Trump voters, you just gave Bill and Hillary Clinton a nice tax break.

Yes, stopping terrorism while the bodies just pile up.

fuck off, troll. crawl back to fourchan.

Why in the ever living fuck would any trans person want to serve in the military for this wretched country? And spare me the treatise on the alleged better angels of this country; founded on genocide and slavery for a cabal of venal rich white men.

Disney is awfully optimistic that we will all live long enough to see this movie in December 2018.

Love the username.

If he was North Dakota strong this would not be a problem.

The NFL is a toxic cesspool.