A Classy Thomas Newman score

Laura Linney makes anything watchable.

As a gay boy though it suck when I can’t hang with the girls.

“The Beguiled” was mostly just a nice moving painting, but Dunst did incredible work in it. Her work in “Fargo” & “Melancholia” has taken my breath away. She is one of the most under-appreciated actors out there.

I mean, at least we had the hot black guy with a good taste in literature.

I’d like to thank the parents of my fellow scouts who gave me PTSD from exposing their children to the homosexuality. Evil fuckers.

He is just simply brilliant. He had a great interview on Chauncey DeVega’s podcast that is well worth a listen! And you are welcome :D

I wish I was a Quaker.  

Globe Emoji, Globe Emoji, Globe Emoji —Rightwing Mandela.

The end of Rome was marked by many vindictive people in bouts of ambition. Enjoy your stock portfolio while the world burns.

Read this book.

This guy and all his supporters are off their rockers! They will be true believers until the end and then they will deny voting for him.

It would make my year to see discount Eva Peron go to prison. and her twink husband too.

He is on his best behavior now. Tomorrow is his rally. He will say crazy shit. I promised to be good boy today so he can say whatever is in his heart. #Thereisnotbottominhell.

Ivanka Trump’s clothes are J crew’s cousin from Iowa.

He also financed Pan & Suicide Squad.

She has had sex with Steve Mnuchin. That is repugnant. My heart broke when I heard he help finance Mad Max Fury Road. But, Hollywood is the plastic apocalypse, so I’m probably in denial that there is a movie in HWood that is not in some way financed by some sleazy fuck.

I hope President Butternut Barf Splat’s heel spurs did not give him too much trouble during the speech.

This segment never gets old.

I so enjoy her. She is cuckoo!